Wonder Woman x Male Reader x Power Girl Part. 3

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(F/N) leaned back in his chair, he put his hands behind his head and looked at his 'date'. Diana squirmed in her chair slightly, she clearly wanted information, "If I give you the location for the bombs will you relax." Diana's eyes snapped onto (F/N), "Yes that would probably help." (F/N) sighed, "Just when we were starting to have a good time," (F/N) sighed again. "The basement of 2nd street apartments, the ,men's bathroom of Gotham city hall, and the ace auto car shop."

(F/N) smiled as Diana started making calls, (F/N) knew all about the bombs, his last client had bragged about them constantly. (F/N)'s client didn't pay attention during his boasting, so it gave (F/N) enough time to disarm all of them.

(F/N) smiled and put his hands back on the table, he smirked when Diana hung up her last call and turned to him. Diana let out a long sigh, "Thank you," she said, she leaned forward and put her hands on (F/N)s. (F/N) smiled at this, "I really appreciate that you saved allot of lives," Diana smiled back at (F/N). (F/N) suddenly got an idea, "So...would it be alright if I gave you one big bit of information for a big favor?"

Diana looked at (F/N) confused. "What do you want?" (F/N) pulled one of his hands away from Diana. He scratched the back of his neck, "a kiss," (F/N) said quickly. Diana raised an eyebrow, "Who will the information affect the most?" (F/N) swallowed. His mind was conflicted whether he should turn evidence or not, "Lex Luthor," he said that quickly as well. Diana nodded, "I see," she remained quiet for awhile and continued, "one second," (F/N) nodded. Diana leaned in, (F/N) mimicked her, the pair's lips met and broke apart. (F/N) leaned back in his chair, Diana looked at (F/N) and licked her lips, (F/N) added "You know, one short kiss for that much info, I feel like you're getting the better end of the deal."

Diana looked at (F/N) and nodded, "Maybe another one, a bit longer," (F/N) nodded, "Sounds fair to me." Diana leaned in (F/N) leaned in as well and held Diana's head as the two kissed allot longer this time. (F/N) broke away this time, "Maybe we could take this back to your place?" Diana nodded, "Sounds fair." The pair got up and left, (F/N) mentally cheered, "I get them every time."


(F/N) walked out of Diana's apartment, smiling, he walked over to the apartment buildings elevator. (F/N) clicked the button, and sat humming to himself, once the elevator opened he walked into it, and tapped the button for the lobby. (F/N) walked right out of the building fighting the urge to dance, but he did cheer when he made it to the parking lot. He opened his car was about to get in when he heard a voice, "Leaving so soon," (F/N) smirked and turned around, "Hey Power Girl," (F/N) smiled when he saw she looked less than happy. (F/N) played dumb, "I have no idea what you're talking about," (F/N) got into his car. Power Girl finally snapped, she couldn't take his smart ass attitude anymore, she tore of (F/N)'s car door. (F/N) looked right at Power Girl, his eyes wide, "Are you insane?" Power Girl glared at (F/N), "When you do...that to one of my friends, I tend to get a bit upset."

(F/N) got out of his car and leaned on the hood, "Why? She wanted to do it, why are you so upset, and why do you keep following just me around, it's like you're obsessed with..." (F/N) stopped and smiled, Power Girl's eyes widened. "You don't know what you're saying," (F/N) started laughing, "when I implied you liked me I was joking," Power Girl sighed. "I didn't mean to fall in love with you, it just happened," (F/N) laughed again, "It was my speech in the interrogation room wasn't it."

(F/N) looked at Power Girl, he stopped laughing, "You really love me?" Power Girl sighed, (F/N) took her hand,and kissed her. Power Girl looked at (F/N), she didn't say anything. (F/N) looked back at his car door, "Did you really have to tear off the door?" Power Girl laughed, "Yeah I did." (F/N) walked to look at the door that was practically torn in half, "Listen, I have to go to assassinate a target do you think you could, fly me over their," Power Girl smirked. "Sure, but i'm going to stop the assassination at the very last moment," (F/N) sighed, then he looked back up, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

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