Zatanna x Male Reader

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"How about this" and with a wave of (F/N)'s hand the statue's hands flipped of the crowd. "Not bad" Zatanna said clearly impressed "but try this, GNICNAD SNIHPLOD" suddenly about, 4 dolphins came out of nowhere and started tap dancing, on the pavement, and on dry land. (F/N) looked at his girlfriend in aw as she did nothing but laugh, after about a week with working at the justice league the couple decided to take a vacation right now they were causing impossible things to happen, as both were trying to top the other.

"Okay okay you win that round" (F/N) said, Zatanna had a very confident look on her face as she said, "Your getting creamed" (F/N) groaned Zatanna had a bigger imagination when it came to this game. Since she won the last round Zatanna got to pick the next topic for the next round, Zatanna thought for a couple minutes, (F/N) could tell Zatanna was thinking hard because every time she thought really hard she bit her lip. After about the third minute Zatanna snapped her fingers, "Creative happiness, the player has to make someone happy in the most creative way possible".

(F/N) thought about what he could do and said, "Alright your up", Zatanna smirked obviously knowing what she was gonna do she quickly said, "YAPPH REHTAEW". Suddenly, the clouds formed smiley faces, and raibows bloomed everywhere, the people looked happy because of it.

(F/N) knew he would have trouble beating that, Zatanna's arrogance made it harder, and then a light bulb went off in (F/N)'s head. He focused on one of the clouds that was just over a playground; suddenly, the cloud darkened as if it was about to rain. Just before concerned parents could try to get there kids of the play ground, ice cream started falling out of the sky and softly landing in front of children.

Zatanna watched wide eyed, as her smirk immediately was removed, the children were clearly more happy. (F/N) turned to his girlfriend, "Looks like I won that round Z" after being said, Zatanna stared daggers at (F/N). Zatanna groaned as her winning streak was destroyed, and (F/N) was being just as arrogant as his girlfriend.

"I still won though" Zatanna said, (F/N) shrugged "well I still stopped you're winning streak." (F/N) leaned in and kissed Zatanna, his still cross girlfriend kept glaring at (F/N) until her phone buzzed with the initals J.L.A on it. The couple froze, knowing who was on the other end, Zatanna quickly said, "I'll forgive you" (F/N) looked from the phone to the eyes of his girlfriend and picked up the phone.

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