Wonder Woman x Male Reader x Power Girl Part. 2

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Why do you keep doing this to me?" (F/N) said to Power Girl, she had stopped yet another of his contracts, she used her heat vision this time to melt the bullet. Power Girl flew over and landed behind (F/N), "Because i'm doing my job and annoying you at the same time," she smirked. (F/N) shook his head, "you're right about that, are we just going to keep meeting up like this until I get more kryptonite? Because then I need to break into Lexcorp sooner." Power Girl rolled her eyes, "Why do I even bother with you?" (F/N) smirked and winked at her, "because you love me," he pulled his rifle onto his shoulder, and walked to the stair case. Power Girl flew quickly over to the stairs so she was standing next to them, "First of all, i'm not in love with you...I" (F/N) interrupted as he started to walk down the stairs, "you crave me," he laughed. Power Girl's face turned red, "I didn't mean it like...I would never...you," (F/N) was already out of earshot.

----------3 minutes later-----------

(F/N) opened the emergency exit, Power Girl was waiting for him, "our relationship is complicated." (F/N) smirked, "Yeah, that you and I can agree on," he walked right past Power Girl and to his car. Power Girl flew alongside (F/N) as he walked, "you seem like you're in a hurry," he smiled. " Yeah I have an important meeting," Power Girl raised her eyebrows, "Should I be concerned?" (F/N) walked over to his car and opened the trunk, he put his rifle in it, he looked at Power Girl annoyed. "No, i'm gonna meet with a friend, Diana Prince," Power Girl's smirk disappeared, " Diana Prince?" (F/N) shut the trunk and headed to the drivers seat, "Yeah have you heard of her?" Power Girl played dumb, "No, the name just sounded like a friend I know." (F/N) nodded, "Anyway, I have a bit of a drive on my hands, so i'll see you later, hopefully not trying to stop me from doing my job." Power Girl wasn't really listening, "Yeah, sure, see you later," she flew away quickly leaving (F/N) confused, "What's her problem?"


Diana was in her small apartment, doing work on her computer, when she heard a knock on her door. She stood up and walked over to the door, when Diana opened the door she raised an eyebrow. "Karen? What are you doing here?" Karen didn't answer the question, "May I come in?" Diana raised an eyebrow, but stepped aside. Karen walked in, "So what..." Karen interrupted, "Why are you meeting with him?" Diana sighed, she walked over to her computer and turned it off. "It's not what you think" Diana said casually, Karen scoffed, "He's a criminal," Diana tilted her head, "Like I said, it's not what you think, i'm using him, for information."

Karen paused and looked at Diana, Diana continued, "He is linked to nearly every criminal organization, the league knows about, the league of assassins, cadmus, the rouges, the crime syndicate, the legion of doom, I could go on." Karen sighed, she seemed to calm down, "Still I don't think Diana Prince is best suited for this sort of thing." Diana smirked, "Trust me, I would much rather be hitting him as Wonder Woman." Karen smirked,"I would much rather have that too."


(F/N) walked into the bar, he sat at the counter, the bartender noticed him, "you want the usual?" (F/N) nodded, "Thanks Ted," Ted poured a bottle of whiskey, into a small glass until it was half full. (F/N) smiled, and nodded at Ted, Ted slid the drink over to (F/N), (F/N) took a short sip. Diana walked into the bar and saw (F/N), "Hey, sorry i'm late," (F/N) turned to look at her and smiled. "No problem," (F/N) turned in his chair to face Diana,"no problem, I don't mind waiting." Diana took a seat next to the counter, (F/N) smirked, "So... What do we talk about?" Diana smiled and replied, "Let's start of where we left off." (F/N) smiled, "I would like nothing more than that," Diana smiled, "So I..." (F/N) interrupted her,"Why do you think i'm an idiot?" Diana's smile faded, "What do you mean?" (F/N) almost burst out laughing, "I know who you are double W." Diana opened her mouth but no words came out, (F/N) smiled, "I was a little suspicious when I escaped from the watchtower and a couple days later a beautiful woman who has an uncanny resemblance to Wonder Woman shows up, and flirts with me." Diana closed her mouth and nodded her head, "I underestimated you," (F/N) turned to face the bar and downed the rest of his drink.

"So why me exactly?" Diana shifted her weight in her chair, "Because you're a valuable asset...to the league." (F/N) moved his glass in his fingers, "I see...I have information...a specific set of skills...and high value contacts?" Diana frowned and nodded. (F/N) processed the information in his head, after awhile he raised his hand to signal Ted, he wanted another drink. He turned to look at Diana and he looked her over, "I'll make you a deal" Diana leaned forward, "I want immunity from all the crime I commit...from you and Power Girl at least," Diana raised an eyebrow, then reluctantly nodded. "Alright which brings me to the next part, I am willing to give you the location of certain evidence that will put a crime family, which will remain nameless for now, in jail for a long time...if you have a drink with me and talk for one hour." Diana scoffed, "You're kidding me, what's stopping me from hauling you to the watchtower to be interrogated." (F/N) smirked, "the fact that it would take you allot longer than one hour to force me to give you the information." Diana sighed and weighed the options in her head, "Deal but I want a guarantee," (F/N) smiled and nodded.

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