Batgirl x Male Reader

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Favorite Color = (F/C)
First Name = (F/N)
Eye Color = (E/C)

Normal P.O.V.

As (F/N) drove his favorite (F/C) mustang back to his mansion, (F/N) couldn't help but think about his life. He was a very wealthy man, courtesy of his company, the stock had gone up quite considerably and he was now flushed with cash. He was almost as rich as his childhood friend Bruce Wayne who ran the rival company Wayne Tech.

It wasn't until two guys dressed as dear ran right in front of his headlights on all fours. (F/N) immediately slammed on his brakes, shouting profanities as the two dear impersonators just stared at him. Unfortunately (F/N) was so distracted with his fury towards the men that he didn't notice a women sneak up behind him. So while he was busy with his anger the women pulled out a giant baseball bat and knocked (F/N) out.

---------------------------------------------------Time Skip------------------------------------------

(F/ N) blinked his eyes back to reality, as his eyes focused (F/N) found he couldn't figure out where he was. (F/N) was so confused until the clown came in (F/N) recognized him as the Joker. Immediately the clown prince of crime started laughing, "HA HA HA HA, looks like I stole the richest man in Gotham" (F/N) was slightly shivering as the Joker continued " here's how this is goanna work" the Joker said in a mock Irish accent.

The Joker fought back more giggles as he explained his plan, "First I made a hostage video, then I'm goanna beat you with a bat to see if any money falls out". The Joker couldn't even suppress a laugh after the 'fun' part "Finally when all the fun's over Batman will try to save you and will die in a hail of bullets with a frown on his face". After finishing his loud laughter the Joker pulled out a bat and said with a slight grin, "You know what let's just skip to the fun part".

-------------------------------------Time skip brought to you by me------------------------------

Finally after the room had stopped spinning and (F/N) had started bleeding a little less. The Joker had finally stopped his swings, "No money what a shame, maybe I just need to hit you harder". (F/N)'s (E/C) eye's widened and his muffled screams rang out through the room but before he was hit something incredible happened.

The glass on the roof of the building shattered and a black figure fell down which caused the Joker to laugh more. He stopped laughing long enough to say, "Took you long enough batsy old boy" the figure then looked up and just as (F/N) came to the same conclusion as the Joker realized that the figure was not a man. The Joker got very angry then, to angry for words as he reached in his pocket and blew a whistle.

Instantly five guys rushed into the room wearing clown masks but the women was ready and slammed her fist in one man face breaking his nose and Ko'ing him. The women then summersaulted behind the next guy and body slammed him to the ground. The other three became a bit more cautious as they had just seen two of their friends taken out. One guy went for a gun while the other two decided to try their luck together. While they both tried to hit the woman at the same time she ducked down and slammed their heads in the ground.

Which left only one man pointing a gun at the women but before he could react she threw a batarang at him taking him out. Which only left the Joker who was holding a knife against (F/N)'s neck. The women threw another projectile but appeared to miss but before the Joker could slit (F/N)'s throat he was hit from behind with the same batarang.

Once the women released (F/N) from his bonds she began to start leaving so (F/N) asked her a question before she left, "Who are you?" the red haired women looked back at (F/N) and replied "I'm Batgirl" and she pulled out a grappling hook out and left. Leaving (F/N) alone, with six unconscious men, and the sound of sirens in the distance. (F/N) could only think of one thing, "Batgirl".

---------------------------------------A couple weeks later---------------------------------------

After things had finally started getting back to normal (F/N) had gone right back to work. (F/N) was standing on the balcony right outside of his office looking over Gotham city. Suddenly he heard a voice, "Beautiful night isn't it " nearly jumping off the balcony (F/N) turned around to see Batgirl "sorry didn't mean to scare you" she said in a level tone. (F/N) managed to gather enough composure to continue the conversation, "Yeah it is".

(F/N) wanted to know a about the mysterious women that was standing in front of him so he pressed on, "You know I never really thanked you for know... saving my life". Batgirl stifled a laugh, "You don't have to apologize I did that because I wanted to help". (F/N) rolled his eyes, "Well I still feel like I owe you one" Batgirl nodded and said, "that's actually why I'm here I need the security codes that will get me past some of your company's main firewall's for a case I'm investigating". (F/N) nodded understandingly, " Business first then".

Once typing in a few master passwords (F/N) finished a drive that would break through some of his company's basic encryptions and handed it over to Batgirl. Before she left she turned around, "I almost forget" then locked lips with the billionaire for half a minute before breaking away, "You also owed me that as well". Then she dove off the balcony leaving a very confused, very in love (F/N).

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