Powergirl x Male Reader

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F/N) = First name
(L/N) = Last name
(S/N) = Super hero name
(E/C) = Eye color

It was a bright day in the afternoon as (F/N) (L/N) waited silently, dressed in his (S/N) costume made from kryptonian fabrics. Which were given to him by his friend Kal-El a few years after he landed on earth in honor of him joining the justice league. (F/N) was one of the last kryptonians to land on earth after krypton exploded the other survivors were like his family after he came to earth. But (F/N) had a special connection with Karen Starr also known as power girl who was his girlfriend.

In fact that was why (F/N) was waiting for her so they could go on a stack out which batman had suggested. While he was waiting (F/N) allowed himself to remember the first day he met Karen which so happened to be the day she first came to earth.

--------------Bloom transition flashback--------------

(F/N) was slowly, deeply, but surely scanning the sky with his (E/C) eyes for any sign of the mysterious object that the fortress (of solitude) had guaranteed would land somewhere in the area. (F/N) was about to call of the search when a giant boom was heard and something that looked like a falling object fell into the field (F/N) was currently in. After he was knocked back a bit by the explosion (F/N) approached the object slowly but couldn't see the inside of the pod as it was lined with led.

(F/N) knew it was advance based on the kryptonian symbols on it, that's when (F/N) heard a hiss and a door opened. (F/N) was ready for almost anything but what he wasn't expecting was a very attractive, very naked women. Her eyes immediately snapped open and she looked scared and started speaking kryptonian. Thanks to his fluent speaking of kryptonian he managed to calm her down and bing her back to the fortress.

He had managed to cloth her while he was running test's on her to make sure she was alright when she started talking. She still seemed a bit scared, "Where am I?"

(F/N) stopped and answered her question, "you are on earth, more specifically the fortress of solitude, I am (F/N)".

Satisfied she kept asking, "Are you from krypton as well?"

"yes I am but there are others you and I are just the only ones in the fortress so far". This seemed to calm the women down more she stopped asking questions after that, so (F/N) continued testing her. After the tests were done the women became a bit more talkative she kept asking him question about earth until (F/N) decided to start asking questions of his own.

"What's your name by the way?" he suddenly blurted out which took the female kryptonian aback but she did answer, "It's Kara Zor-L" letting of a soft chuckle for the fact that she and superman were probably related (F/N) then continued,

"Well we already have another kryptonian name Kara maybe we could call you Karen" she smiled for the first time and that was the day he fell in love with Kara Zor-L.

-------------------Current day------------------------

It was the sound of a sonic boom that woke (F/N) out of his thought's and the sudden appearance of his girlfriend that brought a smile to his face. (F/N) hovered forward Karen and Karen hovered to (F/N) and they grasped each other's hands and shared a kiss. Once they broke away Karen in perfect english said, "Did you miss me baby?"

(F/N) nodded and said "ready to go" now it was Power girl's turn to nod and with that they both took of to Metropolis.

--------------------Flash Forward------------------

Power girl and (S/N) were both on the roof of an old abandoned Metropolis building checking out a crime base across the street until Karen broke the silence. "I don't see why we have to be so worried about being fed false info no one is looking up here" Karen said with her trademark smirk, her boyfriend smirked to and said, "actually I could make the argument that people would actually be looking up here because were here".

Karen had a fake hurt expression on her face as she placed her hands on the hole on the chest of her uniform that gave an excellent view of her cleavage. Using a very sarcastic tone Karen replied, "What would give you that idea".

Deciding it was best not to answer the question (F/N) turned his attention back to the building then he noticed the guys in the other building looking and pointing at them. (F/N) immediately turned to Karen and said, "Were caught let's take them out". With that said both the kryptonians flew at super sonic speeds and before the guards could even blink they were already tied up and knocked out.

Wiping his hands together (F/N) turned to his girlfriend, "So we still have couple hours"

Karen raised her eyebrows and smiled, "what did you have in mind"

(F/N) shrugged and said "well I was thinking we could grab some pizza and check out Metropolis on the top of the Daily Planet".

Karen smiled at how smart her boyfriend came when it came to picking the perfect spot once the plans had been dealt with the couple soared off into the night together. It ended up being longer than (F/N) expected but finally after 2 minutes the super powered couple met on the roof of the daily planet were Kal would be working. Karen was laying her head on (F/N)'s shoulder lazily staring up into his eyes the view of Metropolis was excellent. But Karen decided to interrupt the view by stating, "I love you (S/N)".

(F/N) smiled and returned the look his girlfriend was giving him, after stroking her blonde hair (F/N) said, "I love you to Power girl". With both of there hands entwined the two stared out onto the beautiful city of Metropolis.

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