Black Canary x Male Reader

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First Name = (F/N)
Eye Color = (E/C)
Projectile= (P)
Code Name= (C/N)
Non Lethal Weapon = (NLW)

As (F/N) stood on the roof of Queen industries looking over the city that he protected with his (E/C) eyes he couldn't help but admire the beauty that was Star city. The bright light's from the skyscrapers that shined through the night, the slight sound of traffic that (F/N) had to 'admire' constantly in the morning, even the poisonous factory fumes that erupted in the sky made the city that much more beautiful. The beauty of the city made (F/N) wonder how so many people could want to harm it in the ways that they did.

(F/N) was one of the very few who actually were trying to make a difference; he worked alongside the Green arrow, Speedy, and Black canary together they were all trying to help in anyway they could. (F/N) was just about to get ready to begin his shift of saving the city, when he heard a soft sound right behind him. All the years of training and preparation that (F/N) had accomplished kicked in; he spun around while whipping out a (P) from his belt and was just about to release it from his gloved palm when he saw the intruder.

(F/N) stopped mid throw when he saw that the Black Canary also known as Dinah Lance was standing with her arms folded wearing a big smirk on her face. (F/N)'s eyes got very wide as he stopped moving all together taking in the Canary's beauty, her fishnet clad legs, athletic build, and finally her aqua blue eyes. (F/N) stared into Dinah's eyes and probably would have looked into them all night had she not interrupted (F/N)'s staring. In a soft tone Dinah said, "Hey (F/N)" which snapped (F/N) out of his trance and he replied, "hey Dinah what do you need."

Dinah walked up to (F/N) and handed him a file marked classified, (F/N) examined the outside of the file before opening the manila folder. A black and white photo which appeared to be at an airport were the only contents in the folder. (F/N) scanned the photo intently finally landing on an old man with an eye patch, (F/N)'s heart skipped a beat knowing full well who he was seeing.

Eventually, (F/N) worked up the courage to speak and when he did it was slightly shaking with anger but frighteningly calm, "Slade". Dinah did nothing but nod confirming (F/N)'s fears, he crumpled the picture in his hands and tore it in half, he was about to start looking for Slade when Dinah grabbed (F/N)'s armored shoulder. (F/N) turned to Dinah very angry that she was getting in his way (F/N) tugged his shoulder away from her. Nearly unfazed Dinah spoke firmly so (F/N) would listen,"I remember what Slade did to you to but----" (F/N) cut Dinah off and glared at her, "then you know why I have to do this."

-------------------------------------Traumatic Flashback-----------------------------
4 Years ago

(F/N) leapt across one roof top after he had just started his career as the vigilante (C/N) but he was still extremely good at it. He was very good with a (NLW) and he was especially good with hand to hand combat (F/N) had criminals running scared as (C/N). It was an ordinary night for (F/N) nothing but muggers and attempted murders; it wasn't until he got a call from a police radio he stole about a potential hostage situation that his night would take a turn for the worse.

(F/N) took the ware house in it was obviously old, broken, and abandoned there were no police sirens which (F/N) didn't take as a good sign. The neighborhood was utterly silent except for the birds and bugs, very quickly (F/N) climbed through a busted window, surveying the inside of the ware house as he entered. There was a one guy tied to a chair with a bag over his head, the hostage wasn't moving which bothered (F/N) he had a feeling something was wrong which prompted him to pull out his (NLW). (F/N) cautiously made his way to the hostage and pulled off the bag on the hostages head, it was a mannequin.

(F/N)'s suspicions were confirmed, who would be stupid enough to purposely summon him. Only one thing was abundantly clear this was a trap, it was at that point that (F/N) noticed that half the face of the mannequin had been blacked out. (F/N) would've died if not for the chains that Slade had hit while leaping of the second level of the ware house trying to stab (F/N). (F/N) barely had time to summer salt out of the way before Slade's sword was where he was. Deathstroke's chuckles could be heard behind his mask as he spoke, "I suppose your a bit curious about how I lured you here, it was a simple matter of hacking into the radio you have with you at all times."

With this said (F/N) took out his radio and threw it to the ground, "You may have outsmarted me Deathstroke but you won't out match me." (F/N) hoped he looked as confident as he wanted to be Deathstroke didn't seem a bit fazed, as it appeared his left eye was staring right into his very soul. Deathstroke gave a slight snigger, unsheathed his sword, and twirled it between his fingers, "Are you ready to die now?" The two well trained fighters viewed each other, studied each other, daring each other to make a move; before finally it started.

Deathstroke rushed (F/N) a catching him slightly off guard which he stupidly charged back, the adrenaline made the moment feel eternal for (F/N). He could hear the thumping of his heart in his chest, feel the sweat trickle down behind his mask, and fell the movement of his weapon to counter Slade's sword. The two weapons clashed but Deathstroke using his experience spun around and cut open (F/N)'s arm causing (F/N) to cringe and throw a smoke pellet at Slade to catch him off guard. (F/N) leaped in the air trying to hit Slade on his mask but when (F/N) erupted through the smoke Slade was no where to be found. A moment of confusion passed before a loud cry rang through the air before Slade fell from the roof cutting (F/N)'s (NLW) in half while kicking him in the leg and the stomach.

(F/N) hit the ground knees first gasping for air ready to get back in the fight but soon found a sword against his chest with a slightly winded Slade at the end. (F/N) couldn't see but he was almost certain that Slade was smiling behind his mask which was far more scary than the whole situation. With a completely remorseless voice Slade boasted, "Guess even the mighty (C/N) is no match for Deathstroke." Slade then plunged the sword deep into (F/N)'s stomach causing multiple injuries; he then yanked it out and walked away leaving (F/N) to die. (F/N) was fighting for life as he hit the emergency button in his arm armor. But (F/N) wasn't focused on that, no (F/N) was thinking of how he had lost to Deathstroke and one thought flashed through his head as he fell into unconsciousness he would have his revenge.

-----------------------------Flashback sequence end----------------------

The memory still brought tear's to (F/N)'s eyes as he remembered that fatal night that he had nearly lost everything. (F/N) had ended up in a coma for a year due to blood loss but when he had finally woken up he had to take 6 months of physical therapy. It had been a horrible year for (F/N) but Dinah had helped him as much as she could, she always helped him with the every day problems that he couldn't fix due to his condition, helping him through physical therapy, and helping him through his life emotionally.

(F/N) continued glaring daggers at the women who was keeping him from taking his revenge so he gave her his side of the argument, "I have to go after him iv'e waited long enough!!" (F/N) expected Dinah to argue or attack him but instead she nodded her blonde head and said, "that's why I'm coming with you if you face him alone it'll end the same way and this time Slades going to make sure you stay dead this time." (F/N) was taken aback as Dinah continued her speech, "That's why i'm coming with you, I care about you to much to see you dead again." That was when (F/N) saw it a tear in the infamous Black Canary's eye but (F/N) didn't care; he was to blinded by his hatred toward Slade. But since deep down he knew he would need help he replied, "Once Slades down get out of my way" with a nod from Dinah they both made there way off the roof of Queen industries.

---------------------------------24 hours later----------------------------------

Finding Slade turned out to be relatively easy he didn't seem to be hiding which worried both (F/N) and Dinah it made them both believe Slade was planning a trap. But they would both be ready at least that's what (F/N) wanted to believe he would definitely be more prepared he and Dinah had been training, sparing, and weapon training together all in preparation of the final match with Deathstroke. As the time for the fight grew nearer (F/N) began to wonder what he would to Slade if he and Dinah had won, (F/N) knew that he had to inflict the pain and suffering that he went through and make Slade go through the exact same thing. It was Dinah that broke his vivid imagination of a defeated Deathstroke when she said, "I have a positive I.D. on Slade" (F/N) walked to then looked at the monitor with the image of the man that caused him so much pain. After loading up on there weapon's Dinah with her bo staff and her canary cry and (F/N) with his (NLW) and (P), (F/N) said, "Lets do this."

---------------------------------Flash Forward------------------------------------

(F/N) looked through the room that the computer had put Slade in it, (F/N) was being more cautious this time he slowly climb up the wall on a catwalk. As he made his way along the catwalk (F/N)'s heart was ponding, eyes reddening, and finger's tightening his scar on his stomach started to tingle at the aspect of revenge. (F/N)'s (E/C) eyes were scanning the room ready for a shade to turn into an enemy, for someone to jump out, or a sword to pierce the air. As nothing happened (F/N) became more and more nervous it wasn't till he heard a small squeak immediately (F/N) pulled out his (NLW) but saw nothing.

Then he heard a loud scream and felt a foot on his back, he fell to the ground and when he turned over found a sword pointed at is neck Deathstroke chuckled and said, "Shouldn't have come alone boy." Now it was (F/N)s turn to smile, "Than it's a good thing I didn't" the window behind them smashed and the Black canary fell through, (F/N) barely had time to cover his ear's before she unleashed her canary cry causing Slade to pull away and cover his ears. Now both fighters stood on both sides of Deathstroke ready for a fight, (F/N) kept the smirk behind his mask while saying, "Let's try that again" and both (C/N) and the Black Canary rushed Deathstroke.

At first the battle was very one sided since Deathstroke only had one sword and was caught off guard but he was adapting quickly. He managed to dodge the set of attacks that Black canary was throwing at him with her bo staff, and managed to parry the hits that were coming from (F/N)'s (NLW). (F/N) was trying to be quick so Deathstroke would be slightly distracted as he swung his sword expertly while Dinah did the real damage attacking the weak points in Slade's armor.The fight was in favor of the heroes until Slade tricked (F/N) into dodging his sword, and managing to trip (F/N) with his leg causing him to crash again to the ground while his (NLW) dropped off the floor. Now it was Dinah's turn to distract Slade while (F/N) regained himself; but (F/N) knew he couldn't win the fight without his (NLW) and he couldn't leave Dinah alone long enough to retrieve it.

Then (F/N) saw an opportunity Slade was so distracted by Dinah that he didn't notice that his gun holster had been damaged, leaving his gun wide open for someone to take. Time moved in slow motion as (F/N) stood and leapt forward the holster knowing this could be the only chance that he and Dinah would have at surviving. When he felt his fingers wrap around the gun he immediately pulled it out of Slade's holster, Slade managed to turn just in time to see his mistake come back to haunt him as (F/N) fired a bullet right at his leg. The bullet lodged itself right in his leg as a gasp rang through the building as Slade now realized he lost; (F/N) was about to speak when a very loud crack echoed through out the room causing Deathstroke to fall forward unconscious. When Slade fell forward he revealed Dinah holding her bo staff that had clearly knocked Slade out. (F/N) then pointed the gun at Deathstroke's helmet but found that it wasn't as easy as he'd hoped, then he looked at Dinah her blue eyes practically begging him not to take Slade's life.

(F/N) then made a choice a choice that would affect his life for the remainder of his days he dropped the gun and threw it away from him. (F/N) couldn't see it but Dinah was smiling she took (F/N)'s hand and said, "You did the right thing" (F/N) nodded and replied, "I know." With Deathstroke tied up and shouting profanities the Canary and (C/N) walked out of the building together, hand in hand, and smiling to one another.

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