Wonder Woman x Male Reader

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"Where are you little human, come ouf and face me with honor," Cheetah hissed, (F/N) remained silent from his hiding place. He had stupidly decided to take on Cheetah by himself, without super powers, and he was currently bleeding out. (F/N) sighed to himself, "How the hell did I get into this mess," (F/N) said to himself. (F/N) was a new member of the Justice Leauge he was eager to show off his skills to the big guys, but he was now hiding behind a wall hoping the half-breed Cheetah wouldn't find him. All (F/N) wanted to do was impress Superman enough so he could become a full member of the Justice League, (F/N) doubted that would happen now. He had stupidly thought if he took on the super villain Cheetah by himself he would be praised, but now he was probably going to get skinned alive by Cheetah.

"I know you're nearby, boy, I smell your blood and fear," (F/N) started to sweat he didn't think he had the strength to run, so he stood up slowly, but he could barely manage that, he grabbed his bow and knocked an arrow. He leaned against the wall and pulled back on the arrow, if he was going to die he was going to die fighting, (F/N) limped to the end of the wall, he didn't hear Cheetah which worried. A single beed of sweat rolled off his nose, the world started to spin, but (F/N) used his stubborn nature to stay focused, he fought through the pain. (F/N) heard footsteps, 'it's Cheetah' (F/N) thought, the world moved in slow motion, (F/N) moved to the other side of the wall. (F/N) aimed his bow, but instead of an angry Cheetah there was a scared homless man, the man ran off scared out of his mind, "Damn, where is she?"

(F/N) returned the arrow back to it's quiver and looked everywhere, Cheetah had apparently vanished; (F/N) leaned against the wall groaning his jacket had done nothing to protect him from Cheetah's claws, he groaned. (F/N) started to walk away from the wall, but he didn't make it far he collapsed after a few steps, he couldn't walk, "How pathetic," a voice spoke out, (F/N) looked back to the building he had just exited from, Cheetah was walking to (F/N) with a smug expression on her face. "I knew hunting you would be easy but, I expected more, I guess I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up." (F/N) just looked at Cheetah he was to tired to get up, he was starting to get hold, "Now there are three ways we can do this," Cheetah said sauntering over to (F/N), she moved one of her claws along his face. (F/N) started to breath faster out of worry, this only seemed to make Cheetah happier, "I can let you bleed out, which is really no fun." (F/N) glared at Cheetah, the world was starting to fade, "I could show you mercy and kill you now, but...you did shoot me with an arrow so i'm going to take that option of the table," Cheetah flicked her claw on, (F/N)'s cheek causing a small amount of blood to be drawn. (F/N) used his pain to fight the drowsiness he felt, he kept groaning visibly, Cheetah smiled, with her big, white fangs, "Or we can do option three which is by far my favorite, I cut open your chest and I tear out your beating heart, and as the last bits of life leave you, i'll show you your heart." (F/N) started breathing faster then he thought possible he tried to move his bow but he was to weak to even make a grab for it.

Cheetah got right in front of (F/N)'s face she was centimeters away from him, she put her hand on (F/N)'s arm as he reached for the bow, "So little man, What's it going to be?" (F/N) clenched his fist but he wasn't able to move it, he wouldn't give Cheetah the satisfaction, so instead he did the one thing he felt was the most appropriate, he spit on Cheetah, right in her face. Cheetah stood up quickly, out of surprise, after she wiped the saliva off of her face, her shock quickly turned to anger, "Disrespectful man, i'll carve out your eyes," Cheetah kneeled on (F/N)'s ribs, he watched as Cheetah rose her clawed hand ready to slice him, (F/N) closed his eyes he knew the end was near. (F/N) was already saying his mental goodbyes, until he heard an "ooooffff," Cheetah's weight was removed from his ribs, (F/N) snapped open his eyes, Cheetah was about 20 feet away from him, but standing between him and Cheetah was Wonder Woman.

"Cheetah, I see you're still attacking the weak, like a coward," (F/N) would have protested at that but he was to relieved to see Wonder Woman, "The Princess of Themiscara, I had little respect for you then, but now... you're protecting a man, you have sunk even lower." (F/N) ignored the insults that were being thrown at him by both parties, "If you don't leave now you will regret it," Wonder Woman said plainly. "I will leave when you and that boy are dead," Cheetah shouted and charged at Wonder Woman, she side steped Cheetah, who rocketed past her, Wonder Woman got out her lasso and threw it around Cheeta's neck as she flew past her. Wonder Woman used the momentum that Cheetah made to throw her into a wall, she smirked at Cheetah's weak attempt to kill her.

Cheetah got up slowly and roared at Wonder Woman, she ran at her and slashed at Wonder Woman with her claws, but each time Cheetah was blocked by Wonder Woman's bullet proof bracelets, Cheetah got angrier and angrier, she kept swiping at Wonder Woman faster, Wonder Woman smirked at Cheetah's attempts. Wonder Woman smiled and she clanged her bracelets together, a shockwave erupted from them, and Cheetah was blown back, (F/N) was behind Wonder Woman so he wasn't as badly as affected. While Cheetah was on the ground Wonder Woman raced forward, and with one swift punch knocked Cheetah out. "Pathetic," Wonder Woman said under her breath, she kicked Cheetah so she wouldn't wake up, (F/N) groaned softly. Wonder Woman turned her head and walked torward (F/N), she kneeled beside him, "Are you alright?" (F/N) blacked out.


(F/N) woke up in the watch towers medical bay, he was in a bed, he looked around and noticed he was still alive, he smilled to himself, "Lucky as always," (F/N) heard a scoff. "I wouldn't consider Hades almost taking your soul to be lucky," (F/N)'s smile turned into a smirk, "It's all a matter of perspective," Wonder Woman sighed and under her breath mumbled "men." She began to walk to the door but stopped herself, "I just want you to know, tracking down and fighting Cheetah, by yourself, that was an incredibly stupid thing to do." (F/N)'s smirk faded, Wonder Woman shook her head, "You need more training," she walked to the door, (F/N) spoke up "Thanks for saving me, Wonder Woman." Wonder Woman stopped in the doorway, she turned and looked (F/N) in the eyes, for a second (F/N) thought he saw something besides dissapointment in her eyes, "You can call me Diana," she said nonchilantly, and Diana walked out of the medbay. (F/N) looked at the ceiling, "That's probably the nicest shes been to anyone," (F/N) said jokingly, "I heard that!!" Diana yelled.

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