Wonder Woman x Male Reader x Power Girl Part.1

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(F/N) sat on the rooftop, he was aiming his sniper rifle, he was scanning for a specific target. He was aiming across the street waiting for his target, he then saw his target walk right out of the hotel, Lex Luthor, he was heading to his limo. (F/N) loaded his rifle and learned through the scope, his window was slowly closing. (F/N) felt the cold air rush past him, he felt the sweat role down his face, he took in a small breath. "Time to die Luthor," (F/N) muttered he exhaled, and pulled the trigger, what happens next (F/N) could barely process. (F/N)'s rifle flashed as the bullet left the chamber, this was normal, but instead on Luthor's brains splattering, a streak of white smashed down onto Luthor's limo, blocking his bullet.

(F/N) was taken aback, he peered back into the scope, his heart stopped, "Shit," (F/N) muttered. (F/N) got up quickly and grabbed his rifle, he ran to the stairway, the edge of the rooftop (F/N) was on exploded, "Damn Luthor and his body guards," (F/N) exclaimed as he was knocked back by the explosion. (F/N) ran down the stairs quickly, "damn, damn, damn," (F/N)'s phone buzzed, (F/N) pulled it out quickly and glanced at it. (F/N) received a text, "Our contract is over," the man who hired (F/N) for the hit had just cancelled the arrangement, (F/N) put his phone away, he exited the building quickly, (F/N) looked back into the building one last time, as (F/N) turned around he came face to face with Power Girl. "Well, well, well if it isn't (Code Name)," (F/N) sighed and put his rifle down, he knew it was useless against her, "Power Girl, I see you are as predictable as the tabloids say you are." Powergirl sighed and grabbed (F/N) by the arm, "Really? Then you should have prepared more," (F/N) put his hand in his pocket in a relaxed manner and leaned torward Power Girl, he shrugged. "Maybe I wanted to get caught by a pretty woman today," Power Girl rolled her eyes, but (F/N) could see she was slightly caught off guard by this. (F/N) smirked and pulled his hand out of his pocket quickly, he sprayed Power Girl in the face from what was in his face. Power Girl shoved (F/N) away from herself quickly, she stareted walking to him but she fell to her knees, she was coughing, "Kryptonite," she said weakly.

(F/N) stood up smiling, he put the spray back in his pocket, "Synthetic kryptonite, courtesy of Wayne Enterprise's labs, took awhile for the scientists I threatened to make it." (F/N) started to walk away from the defeated Kryptonian, he turned around to look at Power Girl, "it'll work it's way out of your system in a couple hours, remember to drink plenty of water." Power Girl just glared at (F/N), he smiled and turned around, he stopped dead in his tracks. A sword was placed against (F/N)'s throat, Wonder Woman stood behind the hilt, she smirked at him, (F/N) sighed and said "I am never turning around again."


(F/N) fell to the ground again, "Get up, kid," his mentor Slade Wilson said as he walked away from him slowly, he put his staff down on the ground. (F/N) stood up slowly, he limped to his mentor, "This is bullshit," the infamous Deathstroke turned around and walked straight to (F/N) he punched him in the face no questions asked, (F/N) fell to the ground again, "What's the point of knocking me down again, and again, and again?" Spade kneeled down in front of him and spoke softly, "to see if you get up."


(Justice League Watchtower)

(F/N) moved the cuffs against his hands feeling their weight, he could probably break free of them, but he wouldn't get very far until a superhero caught him. (F/N) leaned into his chair, he put his hand up to his eye, he winced as he felt the spot Wonder Woman had hit him, she was very good with her sword. (F/N) heard the door to the room open, he turned around, Wonder Woman walked into the room carrying a folder Power Girl followed closely behind her. Wonder Woman sat in the chair across from (F/N), Power Girl leaned against the wall, Wonder Woman opened the folder, (F/N) looked at the folder, it was his file, "(F/N) (L/N) a former student under the atlarge mercenary Deathstroke, also known as (Code Name) a vigilante that, kills low level criminals, and occasionally performs assassinations on higher level criminals, although I wonder what made you branch out to assassinating people like Luthor?" (F/N) shrugged, "I enjoy killing people who have it coming."

(F/N) looked at Power Girl she was looking him over, he cleared his throat, "Should I be flattered that you went through the effort to find out about me?" Wonder Woman sighed, "I'm almost tempted to hand you over to Luthor and let him deal with you." (F/N) laughed, "I don't think your moral code would allow that," Power Girl scoffed, "what would you know about code? You kill people." (F/N) sighed and looked at the Power Girl, "I kill criminals, I don't kill anyone who doesn't deserve it," Power Girl walked up to the table, "and yet you take money to kill people like Luthor, yeah you're a real man of principal." (F/N) slammed his fists onto the table, "The fact I only kill criminals is commendable, I don't have the luxury of being a man of complete principal, principal isn't what keeps me alive, the money I get does.

A large boom echoed through the watchtower, it threw (F/N) out of his chair, Wonder Woman stood up quickly, she left the room quickly Power Girl stood over (F/N), "If you try to leave, i'll be back," and she was gone. (F/N) snorted and slipped off the handcuffs he had broken out of them when he slammed his fists on the table. 'She thought I was gonna stay' (F/N) almost laughed, he walked out of the room, he saw his equipment, in the next room, thrown around the room, he grabbed his rifle and loaded it. He casually walked out of the interrogation room, he stopped when he saw the watchtower, the members of the Justice League were fighting aliens. The aliens looked pretty cliché, they were tall grey men with black eyes. (F/N) started walking to the transportation bay, he knew the watchtower had teleporters on it, he walked over to the teleporter. (F/N) looked at the terminal by the teleporter, he plugged in some quardenant, but right before he hit the teleport button. (F/N) saw Wonder Woman being attacked by multiple aliens, and she wasn't doing well, (F/N) sighed and pulled out his rifle, he fired one shot hitting one alien in the eye, the alien dropped dead. The aliens turned to look at the new threat, giving Wonder Woman enough time to gain the advantage on them.

She threw her lasso around one alien and swung him around knocking the rest down, after the aliens were incapacitated Wonder Woman turned to face (F/N), "If you think you're leaving, you're mistaken," (F/N) scoffed, "This is what I get for helping, see you losers later," Wonder Woman started flying to (F/N), but he hit the teleportation button.

——————-—-1 Week Later————————

(F/N) was in a bar, having his third shot, he was getting ready for his next assignment. "Long day" a voice said next to him, (F/N) turned to see a woman sitting next to him, (F/N) looked at the woman she seemed oddly familiar, she looked like she had just got off from work, her black hair was up in a bun, but she wore a smile as if she was looking to have fun. "You could say that," (F/N) said turning to face the woman, "Do we know eachother?" (F/N) asked to the women, she shook her head no. (F/N) smiled, "Well that's easy to fix, (F/N) (L/N)" he held out his hand. The woman smiled and shook (F/N)'s hand, "Diana Prince," he smilled at her, "So....Diana, what's a pretty woman like you do for a living?" Diana smilled, "A bit of everything, it's a bit hard to explain." (F/N) shook his head, "Yeah my jobs a bit like that," Diana leaned torward (F/N), "Maybe you'd like to discuss it later?" (F/N) raised an eyebrow at Diana's forwardness, Diana responded accordingly, "I have to go back to work but I would still love to talk to you again." Diana stood up and put her card on the bar, "Give me a call sometime," she winked at (F/N), smiled, and left, (F/N) quickly grabbed the card.

———————-1 day later———————-

(F/N) aimed his rifle at his next target Leonard Snart, he was a high value target that was all (F/N) needed to know, all (F/N) cared about was the amount of commas on his check. (F/N) had a clean shot on Snart, but right before he pulled the trigger, a white figure stood right in front of his scope. "Back to this already?" (F/N) put his rifle down and looked at the figure, "Power Girl, it's good to see you're harassing me as always." Power Girl flew onto the rooftop (F/N) was on and landed, (F/N) walked over to Power Girl, "here to arrest me?" Power Girl looked at (F/N), "Actually, I came to apologize for getting you angry, last time," (F/N) shrugged, "Apology accepted, now will you let me do my job?" Power Girl shook her head, "I saw you save Wonder Woman." (F/N) looked at Power Girl, "she needed help so I provided it," Power Girl walked over to (F/N), "You know we might still make a hero out of you yet." (F/N) frowned, "Yeah no, I may be super but i'm no hero," (F/N) turned back to his target, but Snart was already gone. "Shit," (F/N) muttered Power Girl flew in front of (F/N) and she hovered in front of him, "i'll make it up to you later," (F/N) put his rifle down he just shook his head, Power Girl jerked her head up quickly, "Someone needs help," she said quickly she glanced at (F/N). Power Girl smiled she flew over to (F/N) and kissed him, the kiss ended quickly, but it happend, (F/N) watched as Power Girl's smile turned into a smirk, she flew off without another word.

(F/N) looked around, "Is that supposed to make it up?" (F/N) yelled to the sky.

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