Chapter 6

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As we were struggling to find an exit Chris was still crying from what had happened. Now he is holding onto Sherbert for dear life as she struggled to get out of his arms. She was also barking. I bet we will track crazies now. I took out my gun from my pocket just to be safe. Sherbert kept on barking even louder.

"Chris can you calm her down!" I yelled as the water kept getting higher.

"I'm trying!" He yelled back.

"There!" Jack yelled. He was pointing to my left.

I turned and looked to see what he was talking about, when I saw it. An exit. I slowly made my way to it and looked through it to see if the coast was clear. Then I opened the sewer cover. I went out first getting ready to shoot anything that wasn't human. When I fully got out, I spun around to search for anything to shoot, but I saw nothing. Soon after Chris came out with Sherbert.

"Where's Jack?" I asked.

Chris had a confused look on his face.

"Jack!" I screamed into the sewer. Looking for a body.

"Stay here. Take my gun. I have to go and find Jack." I said hopping back into the sewer.

By the time I was in the sewer the water was up to my chest and it was rising up. Fast.

"Jack!" I yelled searching for any sign of him.

Then I heard something. It sounded like a voice.

"Jack!" I yelled again. Hoping for another answer.

Then I heard a big splash of water coming from my right. I looked over and saw a body. I swam over to it hoping it was Jack. As I was getting closer I felt something grab a hold of my arm. I screamed thinking it was a crazy. When I saw the face of the person, I noticed it was Jack. He had blood dripping down his forehead. He probably hit his head on the way out of the sewer and fell.

"Oh my gosh! I thought you were dead!" I said hugging him. I started to cry.

"We have to get out of here." I said, grabbing his hand, heading for the exit. The water was now up to our necks, and it was getting harder for me to breathe.

"Over there!" Jack said. I headed in that direction trying to find the sewer cover. When I saw it I tried my hardest to get there as fast as I could before the water could cover my whole body. Just as I grabbed the ladder, the water rised to its maximum capacity. I got out in seconds with Jack right behind me.

"Are you guys okay?" Chris asked as he held Sherbert.

"Perfect." I said sarcastically. "We need to get your head looked at though Jack."

"How? Is there a doctor going to appear suddenly in this mess?" Jack said angrily.

"No, we will find a first aid kit. There is a school about a mile away from here. I remember passing it on the way to the library before all of this happened. They should have one." I said.

"You went to the library? What a nerd." Jack said laughing.

"I could've let you drown and die in the sewers." I told him.

"You wouldn't do that because, you love me." He said as he started making his way toward the direction of the school.

"Whatever." I said as I followed.

There was a small, light breeze but it felt really nice. The fresh air was better than being in a sewer. We passed the library and were almost to the school.

"Here it is. White Burt's High School." I said pointing to the school.

"Hopefully no crazies are in there." Chris added.

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