Chapter 9

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I looked for the way she could've gotten out so I could probably get to her since she can't go that far with her injury. The window. It was open so I walked over to it and climbed out. I looked all around but didn't see her. I had to go back and tell Sawyer that Reygan left.

"Sawyer! Reygan's gone!"

Reygan's POV:

I woke up in a room on a bed with flowers all around me. I sat up quickly until I noticed the severe pain coming from my right shoulder. There was a t-shirt wrapped around it. I was certain that those people put me here since they thought I probably died. There was no one in the room so I had to get out. The window seemed to be the best and only option for my escape. I got up and the flowers dropped on the floor. With this injury I could only use my left arm to try to open the window. Once I got the window open, I climbed up and out. I started to get a little dizzy, maybe it was from all of the blood I lost from the wound. I don't even remember what happened except I was running toward the vent then the next thing I know is I am in a strange room. I started to run away from the building and didn't look back. I need to find my group again. For some odd reason though, the area seemed familiar. I must be hallucinating because I thought I also heard my dad's voice saying-

"Reygan's gone! We don't know what happened to her!"

It felt so real but It couldn't be real I wasn't at the school I got captured by those three strangers. I bet that they found out I was missing and are looking for me this very moment.

My legs were getting tired. I was probably running for 20 minutes straight already. I needed to rest but had no where to go. Then I had an idea. The bunker. My dad always talked about it. It had to be at least 10 minutes back. I told myself I could make it so I started running back. It was probably about 5 am. The sun was just rising and the sky was clear. I had to make it to the bunker before it was too bright so I wouldn't be so easy to see.

The bunker was at my dad's friends pizza place. Once I got there, I saw that the window was smashed and the door open. I walked in cautiously and looked around. There was nothing there so I walked to the back of the restaurant. I knew where the key for the bunker was since I always went to play down there with my dad's friends daughter, Alissa while my dad helped out in the restaurant on some occasions.

I looked to the plant next to the bunker door for the key. It was no longer in the plant after I searched through the dirt for at least five minutes, hoping to find the key. I was so frustrated I kicked the plant over. The pot broke and made a loud crash on the wood floor. Poor plant. I decided to just leave it alone and try to look elsewhere for the key. As I was searching I heard the door to the bunker creak open. I turned around to see a person standing there looking at me, but it wasn't just any person, it was Alissa.


"Alissa! You're alive! Who else is with you?"

"My father and mother are in there, as well as some of my friends and their families. Are you alone?"

"For now, yes, but I have a group of survivors back at a school we stayed at. I got lost while on a walk and ended up here." I decided not to tell her the truth to save her from worrying.

"Don't worry I bet the school isn't that far from here. I can have my dad go look for it with you if you'd like. I'm sure he would like to see Sawyer again."

"That would mean a lot to me, thank you."

"Oh I'm sorry, would you like to come in?"

"Yeah sure!" As I walked inside of the bunker there were a bunch of lit up candles spread out across the whole area for light to see. I saw two bunk beds with a bunch of toys around them. On one of the bunk beds was two little girls probably around the age ten and they were watching us pass by. We continued across the bunker to a small area with a mini fridge and sink. Above the sink were a few cabinets that contained canned food and a couple of plates.

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