Jerika is real (2)

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goodbye YouTube and team 10." You shut your camera off gabbing your suit case and packing your stuff. You post your video not needing to edit. And you walk out of the team 10 house with no remnants of you being here.
Team 10 POV
Everyone walks in to the team 10 house not noticing anything wrong. Jake gets a notification on his phone

My last video ever...
From your YouTube channel. He swears his heart completely stopped he looked like a ghost from how pale he was.

He watches the video

"Hey guys some of you have probably noticed my distance from everything, from team 10 and YouTube in general. Well uh, I just wanted to explain to you why I made this video. Uhh, this my last video I'm ever making. I'm leaving YouTube and leaving team 10." You tell the camera the tears starting to fill your eyes up. Jake never noticed any distance.

"This isn't your guy's faults it's just I've been in pain these last couple of days. Not physical pain but emotional pain. And there has been some problems with me and my brother and the rest of team 10, uh as you can tell I'm not in anyone's vlogs Anymore. And uh that's my fault, I..i.i I built these walls that I hide my emotions behind and I stay in my room only going down when no ones home. The team doesn't seem to notice or care. But I just I can't do it anymore." You look next to where your camera is and look at the photo of you and team 10 and how happy you where. Jake didn't notice any problems he though everything was fine. He though he broke down those walls. He notice you weren't there's as much as you used to but the wasn't a concern

"I can't keep acting like I'm happy when I'm not, I can't keep putting on fake smiles around them when behind that smile is a broken girl. I fell in love and i got my heart torn out and they didn't even know I loved them. Um uh, Anthony knew he knew about my feelings and uh I'm guessing sometimes friendship is stronger the blood. I'm sorry I.i.i can't do this" you get up and grab a tissue whipping your eyes.friendship is stronger then blood? Only jake and chance are Anthony's. He knows you don't like chance because he's like a brother to you. That only leaves him. You like jake paul and he went off and got married.

"I wanna stay I wanna be here for you guys but uh i don't think I can continue on getting hurt. And I'm sorry for not trying hard enough for my fans. But this pain is the worst I have ever felt. So I just wanted to say that and also say goodbye YouTube and team 10." Jake had tears going down his face. 
Wait Anthony knew

"Anthony!!" Jake shouted shaking the team 10 house. Anthony and chance come running into the room tumbling over each other.

"Yeah, jake." Anthony asked hitting chance on the back of the head and straightening his shirt out.

"Where's your sister."

"I don't know bro I haven't seen her since yesterday."

"You wanna know why. BECAUSE SHE LEFT. SHE LEFT TEAM 10 SHE LEFT YOUTUBE AND SHE LEFT ME. she...she left me." Jake whimpers as chance and Anthony go into a trance

His sister left and it was his fault he knew and didn't do anything. What kind of brother does that.

"She wouldn't have left I mean she has feelings for you. She's in love with you." Anthony shakes his head trying to find excuses.

"I know Anthony, that's why she left. She left me, you, chance and the rest of team 10." The boys hug each other with tears as they cry for there

And lover

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