Marcus Dobre-Pranking marcus

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Today you and Lucas were gonna prank Marcus. His entire family is in on the prank. So basically you and Lucas where gonna act like someone broke into the house and murdered the both of you. You two being the most important people in Marcus' life it will definitely affect him somehow.

You and Lucas were in different parts of the house. Lucas was in his and Marcus room and you were in the kitchen as if you were cooking. You had Cyrus cover the both of you in blood and add a heart slowing monitor, they left but not before taking all electronics. You laid there waiting for Marcus. As soon as the door opened you turned on the monitor and stopped you breathing. You hear Marcus make his way to his room and Lucas. You heated Him shout when he entered the room. Before he ran down the stairs to get his phone which we left in the kitchen where I am.

"NO. No, no, no, no. Y/N. Y/N baby wake up please Y/N I need you I can't go on if your not here." You heart clenched at his cries but bursts with happiness at his confession. Marcus leaned his forehead on your chest crying and screaming. Cyrus and Darius run in acting like they knew nothing.

"Marcus. Hey, Marcus.MARCUS." Cyrus screams

"What happened and where's Lucas." Darius asked him. Marcus just shook his head and continued saying your name over and over again.

"Why are you standing there call the cops call someone!!"Marcus finally snaps Darius takes his phone and clicks on the '911' contact. It actually being there mother.

"Come on, Y/N you can't leave me now. Not now and not ever. Please. I'll be right back." He quickly tells his brothers before rushing upstairs to Lucas. You could here his cries from down stairs. There was sounds of thrashes and kicks echoing the whom house. You finally stand up and make you way upstairs and see Marcus on his knees head in hand. You slowly walk up to him

"Marcus." He shoots yo at the sound of your voice. Relief covers his eyes as he pulls you into him. Watching as Lucas stands up Marcus sniffles before attacking the both of us in a hug.

"Don't you two ever do that to me again. I couldn't feel to lose one of you let alone the both of you." Marcus finally stops crying when Lucas pulls out the camera and Cyrus and Darius walk into the room. Marcus gets angry at his brothers but still keeping you in arm distance.

Time skip
You and Marcus lay in his bed. You played with his hair as his head rested on you chest. You look down at you love to find him already looking at you. Marcus looks you straight in the eye.
"Don't ever do that again I don't think I could have functioned if you died. Knowing a piece of me died with you. I can't lose you Y/N like I said before not now not ever." You nod you head and pull him In for a quick kiss then falling asleep in each other's arms. Marcus holding you as tight as ever

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