Ivan martinez-bueno

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Y/N Paul POV
You and Logan sat in the back of one of the Uber as the as your dad opens the door telling the guys to back you and Logan start laughing. Then jake opens the door.
"Alright guys one thing that the people in on this prank didn't know is that where gonna get Y/N to walk in the door and the guys we hired are gonna 'arrest' her. Okay Y/N  it's your time to shine." Logan opens the back of the boot You crawl out and walk towards the door opening it pretending to act confused

"What's going on here." You ask as the rest of team 10 come down

"Are you Y/N Paul." One of the guys ask


"Your under arrest For possession of heroine and trespassing." The guys take ahold of you as jake and the rest of team 10 look on shock

"I've never held heroine in my life. I've never had a drug besides medication."

"Ma'm stand sill and stop speaking." You stay quite along with the rest of team ten. And the guys take jake and you to the table asking jake questions

You fake a acted face and look toward Ivan and Emilio before looking back at jake. The guys pull jake up along with you as your dad whose actually worked because off me fights against them. They pull us into the car and Logan pops up from behind jake
"Bro they got you too, cuz ." Jake covers his face with his hands as we all start laughing

"You were in on it." Jake points to our dad

"Papa paul was in on it." We get out of the car Logan and You hug jake

"Oh we love you bro." We tell him still laughing

"Can't say the same." Jake mutters. You forgot team 10 still thinks Your arrested. You walk back into the house where everyone is

"WASSUP WAS GOOD" you yell making them look at you.They all jump up tackling you in a hug.

"Todo el Mundo estaba preocupado sobre todo Ivan." Emilio says in Spanish and Ivan blushes (everyone was worried especially ivan) You walk up to Ivan

"No te preocupes Ivan no te dejaré pronto." You whisper in his ear as you hug him
(Don't worry Ivan I won't be leaving you anytime soon.)

"Bueno." He whispers back wrapping his arms around your waist.(good) You pull away from the hug as Ivan kisses you smack dead on the lips. Everyone cheers as you kiss back. And that's how you and Ivan started dating.

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