Chance the cheater for @key-daddy

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Key was driving home from a long night at the gym with Jerika and Ray when she pulled up to the team 10 house and see's an unfamiliar car. thinking nothing of it, she walked inside greeting everyone except chance who she couldn't find. key walks up to Anthony jumping on his back, "Hey, toner. where's chance." key asks the Ohioan boy. Anthony's face pales slightly before he starts to stutter. key frowns her eyebrows then turning to everyone else.

"where's chance." everyone stays silent making key confused. where was her boyfriend this late at night. it was so quiet in the house that you heard people talking upstairs. a voice of her boyfriend and one of an unknown female. key almost immediately walks upstairs where Anthony chases after her 
"key I wouldn't if I were you. No key don't walk in there, oh dear god she walked in there, RIP chance I'm gonna miss you bud." Anthony says mumbling at the end

Key walks to her room in confusion. why is everyone acting so weird, where's Chance? She walks inside and is soon gasping in Anthony's shoulder. h..her boyfriend was kissing some random blonde. chance looks up when he hears the gasp and is shocked to see Key standing in the doorway with Anthony.

Anthony picks up key before chance can say anything and takes her into Jake's room, where he calls Jake into the room. Jake walks in confused but immediately turn concerned when he see's key. Jake wraps his arms around the girl who is like his sister and turns to Anthony for an explanation. As Anthony explains what happens Key sits there in Jake's arms numb from everything staring at the white wall in Jake's room.

Jake turns to Key anger flashing in his eyes for Chance but also worry and concern for Key .   "You and Anthony are gonna sleep in my room tonight or until your room's done," Jake tells her. key nods her head painfully before looking at Anthony. Jake leaves the two together going to find Chance, Anthony looks at his crush before sitting next to her rubbing up and down her arm. "why did he do it, Anthony. Was I not good enough that he couldn't stay with me." Anthony shakes his head

"You're perfect key. Chance is an idiot not to realise the girl he had was a one of a kind. He will realise that there is no one like you and will come crawling back to you."Anthony explains to Key. she looks up at Anthony realising just how close their faces were. his breaths hit her face making her smell his peppermint flavoured toothpaste. Anthony's eyes connect with her. he leans down slowly debating to kiss her or not. Anthony's thoughts were soon interrupted by cherry flavoured lips on top of his. he soon realised what was happening. he was finally kissing his crush. Anthony wraps his hand around Key's waist pulling her closer to him if possible

the two finally pull back but keep their hands on each other and their foreheads still connected. Anthony opens his eyes and looks at key "Why'd you do that." Key opens her eyes as well and shrugs her shoulder "you were too concentrated on your thoughts," Anthony smiles then kissing her again. that night they laid there in Jake's bed sharing random kisses and little bits of PDA without even little care in the big cruel world

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