Ivan martinez-property of ivan

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You had been dating Ivan for a couple months, but you still hadn't met his friends. He'd been asking you to just meet them once, but you kept saying you were afraid that his fans would get mad he was dating someone who wasn't a YouTuber. You knew it was stupid, but you were legit scared. You didn't want to be the reason Ivan lost any subscribers or followers.

After Ivan begging you for nearly an hour straight, you had agreed to go to the It's Everyday Bro concert. You got there early so you had a front seat, and sat down to look at your phone.

You hadn't realized how long you'd been looking at your phone until the crowd started filling in around you. You looked up and saw Ivan looking at you from back stage, a smile on his face.

You smiled back at him then stood up. The concert was due to start any moment. You saw Ivan turn and start talking to someone, so you looked away and started looking at the arena around you.

There were so many people there, many of them had merch from all the different members of Team 10. There were some people wearing the Nick Crompton T-Shirt,
some people wearing Jake's merch, some wearing Tessa's, and all of the Martinez' Fans were holding giant signs. One girl had a sign that said Ivan, go out with me? and it took everything in you not to get up and punch her.

"What's up fam?" Jake said as he ran out on the stage, followed by the rest of Team 10. The crowd screamed, and you looked up at the stage. "Who wants some MERCH?!" He started shooting merch from a cannon, and you smiled.

Soon enough, the song started. You sang along until it got to the Spanish, because you couldn't speak Spanish at all
"Hold on, hold on, hold on," Emilio said. I'm assuming that's Emilio, I don't know exactly which twin it is. "Can we switch the language?"
Ivan looked at Jake, then his brother. "Actually, we're gonna stay in English for a moment."

Everyone gasped and looked at Ivan. He just stepped out of the song. The music stopped, and all eyes were on him.
"I have something to say!" He looked at the crowd. Actually, he didn't. He looked at you. "y/n y/l/n, will you please come on stage?"

You looked around skeptically as people started cheering, and you slowly started to make your way to the aisle. You were escorted onto the stage by some security guards, then Ivan took your hand and dragged you to center stage.

"This is my girlfriend y/n," Ivan said as he put his arm around you. "She wanted to keep it secret because of fans. So how about some love for her?"
Everyone in the audience screamed, and your face turned red.

"How do you guys feel about this?" Jake asked as he walked to the front of the stage, pointing to you and Ivan. "You think they look cute together?"
More screaming.
"Is anyone gonna unsubscribe to Ivan's channel because he's dating someone who's not a YouTuber?"

"No!" the audience yelled out in unison.
You smiled and kissed Ivan's cheek.
"I have some special merch for y/n," Ivan said. He reached into the merch cannon and pulled out a t-shirt. He unrolled it, and you laughed. It said Property of Ivan Martinez.

  It said Property of Ivan Martinez

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You smiled and took the shirt. "Thank you," you said as you laughed and kissed his cheek.
Jake turned to you. "Well, why don't you stay on stage with us for the rest of the song?" he asked you. He then turned back to the audience. "You guys cool with that?"

Screaming. Lots and lots of screaming.
He smiled at you. "y/n, why don't you bring Ivan back into the song?"
You smiled and leaned over to Ivan's microphone. "They're gonna change the language, they're gonna hit it!"
Everyone cheered as the twins started rapping in Spanish, and you smiled as you danced on the stage.
You stayed up there for the rest of the concert, then afterwards Ivan brought you backstage.
"I told you, you worried about nothing," he said as he held your hands and looked into your hands.
"I know," you sighed.
"I love you, y/n. I want the world to know that."
You hugged him tightly. "I love you too."

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