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waking up the next morning at 8:00 would have been bad but not today. i was still in awe from last night. and i had a good morning text from daniel, so i knew my day would be great.


dani 💙: good morning beautiful. i spent all night wishing i could kiss you again. can't wait to see you at my graduation. i actually need to talk to you about that so we need to facetime tonight. but anyways. have a good day today and have fun at your photoshoot ❤️

i feel like i know what he means by we need to talk about that. well at least i hope it's what i think. i have to meet his parents, so is he going to tell them that im his girlfriend or that we are dating but not girlfriend and boyfriend? i fell like that's weird to say to your parents. im probably just over exaggerating but it's just something i think of.

i walk downstairs, holding my phone and see emma and sofia sitting on the couch, watching some show on netflix. "hey sleepy head.", sofia says to me. "you must have had a big night." emma pauses the show and they both look at me.

"so tell us.", emma says, getting giddy. i sit down across from them on the couch and tell them everything. how im going to his graduation, meeting his parents, all the way up to the kisses. "oh my gosh. otp all the way!! so did he ask you to be his girlfriend?"

"we agreed that we want to be exclusive but not have a label right at the moment. we don't want to rush things. you know, go out a bit more before we make it one hundred percent official.", i explain to them the conversation we had last night. i feel like they understood everything. i mean that's what best friends are for, right?

we spent the rest of the morning​talking and eating something before we left for the shoot. before we left, we all went upstairs and changed and got ready really quick. i ordered an uber and it said it would be here in 5 minutes.

once it was here, we got in the car and headed to the shoot. when we got to the office, they rushed us to makeup​, our manager following.

"okay girls listen up. plans for this weekend. your flight to portland leaves tomorrow, friday at 12:20 pm. you need to be at the airport by or before 11. do NOT miss this flight. when you get there, there will be cars waiting to take you to your hotel. saturday morning, you need to be up, and dressed to be at the meeting at the magazine company at 9:00 sharp. be there by or before 9:00 sharp. sunday, same thing same time. monday is a free day for you all and tuesday your flight leaves at 1:00 pm. portland airport is bad so be there again by or before 11:00. remember, time is very important this weekend, if you miss something, there will be consequences. have a good weekend.", she says and walks out.

we all get our hair and makeup done and get into our first outfits. after taking what felt like millions of pictures, we changed into another outfit and then repeated the process for two more outfits after that.

after a long day of pictures after pictures, it was 5:30 so the girls and i decided to grab a quick bite and surprise the boys at their house. 

we asked the uber to go through chick fil a and then take us to the why don't we house. he agreed and we also bought him dinner because he was so nice and willing to take us through chick fil a.

when we got to the boys house, we all walked up to the door. i heard music inside and the boys singing. i also heard someone else's voice. he was really loud. i knocked on the door and heard daniel yelling, "ill get it!" perfect. i smiled as he opened the door. "hey pretty lady.", daniel said pulling me in for a hug and kissing the top of my head. "come in girls.", he said inviting sofia and emma inside. "what are you doing here?", he asked me.

"we wanted to surprise you guys and hang out for a little while. are we interrupting you?", i asked looking around at the boys.

"no, were just goofing off. playing some music.", he looked at me.

"who's this?", the voice i heard from earlier walks up to us. he was tall, buff, and had blonde hair. he didn't look like a teenager though.

"riley, this is logan. he directs our music videos and he's our friend. logan, this is riley, my girl-, we're dating.", daniel explains.

"no labels?", logan asks looking between daniel and i. we both nod.

emma and sofia are already over with the other boys. daniel turns to me, "can we go talk, in my room?" i nod again and he takes my hand and we walk up the stairs. when we get to his room he closes the door and lightly pushes me against the wall. "i have wanted to do this since i brought you home last night." he kisses me passionately, making my legs get a little weak. after a minute, we pull away and we both looked stunned. he walks to his bed and sits, patting the spot next to him. i walk over and sit down, crossing my legs and face him.

"what's up?", i ask him.

"so i was thinking about this weekend and i figured it would be awkward around my family if i explained us like i just did. so i figured i would tell my parents when i got to my house and explain it to them fully so they weren't confused at all. and then everything would be okay between you guys at my graduation."

"okay. that's good with me."


"can we go back to kissing now?", i ask him. he laughs and pulls me close to him, connecting our lips.

when we kiss it feels like the whole world stops and we're the only people there. nothing else matters except riley and daniel.

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