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thursday night, when we got home, we packed for portland. i took a shower and then got into bed. i decided to watch some netflix. i clicked on switched at birth and watched a few episodes while texting daniel. he was telling me about some things he likes to do in portland and about how he's excited to graduate and be home for a few days. i started to get tired so i turned off the tv and let daniel know i was gonna crash.


me: okay, im starting to get a little tired and we have a big day tomorrow. ill see you then. goodnight ❤️

dani 💙: goodnight pumpkin. ill see you tomorrow ❤️

with that i fell asleep.

*next morning*

i woke up at 8. we had to be at the airport by 11 and i had to get ready and finish packing my toiletries. i changed my clothes and applied little makeup. i put my wallet, phone charger, sunglasses, and makeup in my backpack and grabbed my suitcase, walking downstairs. I set my stuff down and went to the kitchen and started making omlets.

after a few minutes, sofia and emma came down the stairs with all of their stuff. we all sat down and ate breakfast.

by the time we were done eating and the kitchen was cleaned up, it was time to go to the airport. we ordered an uber and we were on the way.

once we got to the airport, we got in line to check our suitcases and the boys walked in the door. you could tell it was them because they were loud. they got in line behind us and daniel walked up to me. "hi beautiful.", he said as he pecked my lips and hugged me.

"hey.", i replied. "you excited to see your family and graduate?"

"yes. so excited. finally done with high school.", we laughed. "what seat are you in on the plane?"

"2G.", i said looking at my boarding pass on my phone.

"are you for real?", he asked excitedly.

"yeah why?"

"we're sitting next to each other."

"awe really? yay!", i hugged him again and it was our turn in line.

the lady was really nice and she helped us quickly. we put our bags on the baggage claim and we went up to security. thank god none of us got selected for the random search. after security, we all went to our separate gates, daniel coming with emma, sofia and i. we stopped at starbucks before boarding out plane. daniel and i sat down in our row, we had it all to ourselves.

once we were in the air and on the way to portland, daniel and i were talking about his family. he was telling me about his siblings and a bunch of cute and funny stories from when he was little.

i started to get tired and daniel said i could lay on his lap. i moved the arm rest in between us and i bent my knees, tucking them in my seat. i layed my head in his lap and he started to play with my hair, making me fall asleep faster. daniel leaned down and kissed the side of my head. "sleep well beautiful." i smiled to myself and drifted asleep.

*skip plane ride*

"riles, wake up.", daniel shook my shoulder a little and i sat up in my seat. i put my stuff in my bag and we got off the plane. after we got our suitcases, it was time for daniel to leave. "ill see you on monday.", he said hugging me.

"okay. i can't wait."

"bye pumpkin." daniel leaned down and kissed me. it felt like we were on the beach again. so natural. we pulled away and i went with the rest of the girls to get in our cars and head to the hotel.

emma, sofia and i were in the same room. emma and i took one bed and sofia took the other because she moves a lot in her sleep.

once we were settled in, we headed out for dinner with the rest of the models. on the way there, i got a text from daniel.


dani 💙: i talked to my parents. they totally understand and can't wait to meet you. they're going to like you so much. just like me ❤️❤️

me: im glad they understand. let them know im excited to meet them. and i like you a lot too. im on the way to dinner so maybe we can facetime later once you're done spending time with your family?

dani 💙: yeah most definitely. talk to you later love.

after dinner we went back to the hotel and i showered and got into bed, scrolling through instagram until daniel called me.

*skip to sunday night​*

basically for the last two days, all we did was wake up, go shoot for the magazine, eat and sleep.

it had only been two days but i missed daniel so much. but finally it was sunday night and i got to see him tomorrow.

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