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daniel and i woke up early enough to get back to the hotel for me to pack my stuff and him to take emma, sofia, and i to the airport. when we got there and checked our bags, it was time to go up to security and i know daniel couldn't come with me. it would only be two days but im going to miss him so much.

i started to tear up a little bit and i get mad at myself for it. one, because i hate crying in front of people and two, im such a baby for crying over this.

"don't cry princess. it's just two days.", daniel said, pulling me to his chest.

"i know. i don't want to cry, trust me." i stop for a second and look up at him, "wait. did you just call me princess?"

"yeah.", he laughed, "is that okay with you?"

"it's perfect.", i squeezed him. "i have to go." i said, my hands on the sides of his waist, starting to cry again. daniel put his hands on the sides of my face and used his thumb to wipe away one of my tears. he started to lean down and i stood on my tippy toes reaching up to him. our lips touched and it made me not want to leave even more.

"text me when you land, okay?", he said and i nodded. he pulled me in for one more hug. he rubbed my back, knowing i was getting more upset by the second. i pulled away from the hug.

"i know if i don't leave now, im not going to."

"okay. see you in two days." he kissed the top of my head and i walked away, going up to security with emma and sofia.

i could see him still standing there as we went through security. he was looking up at us and we made eye contact. he waved at me and i waved back as we walked out of his sight.

we stopped to get some food. when we were eating, sofia looked at me. "i know you like him and all, buy was it really necessary to make a scene like that?", she said with an attitude.

"sofia, why would you say that to her?!", emma exlaimed.

"wow sofia.", i said.

"im just saying, it's not like you're going to live happily ever after."

"shut the hell up. you're just pissed because jack said he didn't want to hang out with you anymore.", i clapped back. i got up and grabbed my stuff from the table and floor, walking over to the seating area at our gate. i heard emma calling for me as i walked away.

"sofia, why the hell did you say that to her??", emma said. she got up and rushed​ over to me. she had all her stuff. i can't believe she didn't stay with sofia. usually they're on the same side about these kinds of things. "im sorry about what she said. you know she doesn't mean it."

"first of all, why are you apologizing for her? and second, don't." i got up again, walking away and finding another empty seat. she didn't follow me this time.

they eventually called for our plane to board and im so glad that i didn't have to sit next to either of them.

*skip plane ride*

when i got off the plane i texted daniel on my way to baggage claim.


me: i just landed. i wish you were here so i could run away to your house, i don't want to go home.

dani 💙: awe. but why don't you want to go home?

me: i got in a fight with sofia and then emma joined in. i don't want to be anywhere near either of them.

dani 💙: well i wish i could help you pumpkin. maybe just go somewhere and clear your head. remember, you can call me whenever you want.

me: okay. i'll talk to you later.

i ordered an uber and went to in n out. after hanging out there for a little bit, i got another text from daniel.


dani 💙: i may have found you something to do for the next 2 days.

me: really? what is it?

dani 💙: my friend logan just called. one of his models cancelled on him for tomorrow and he wants you to help him out with his clothing line photoshoot​. he also said you could stay at his apartment tonight and tomorrow night. he has a guest bedroom and he said he really wants to get to know you .

i was so happy. not only do i get somewhere to stay, but i get to do some modeling.

me: dani are you serious. thank you so much.

dani 💙: i gave logan your number. he should be calling you any minute.

me: thank you so much daniel ❤️❤️ i still miss you tho.

dani 💙: i miss you too princess

seconds later, i got a call, knowing it was logan, i answered it. "hello?" I asked through the phone.

"riley?", he asked. it was logan.

"that's my name, don't wear it out."

"haha, okay well you can come over now if you want. im at my apartment so."

"okay. just text me the address.", i told him.

"will do. see you soon.", he said.

"bye." i hung up and saved his number in my contacts.

i ordered an uber to his apartment. once i got there, the guy in the lobby let me up and i rang logan's doorbell​. "who the f*** is at my house while im vlogging?!" he yelled inside. i laughed. i had started watching his vlogs after I met him and he's really funny. he opened the door. "oh look logang it's little riley. how ya doing?", he asked me.

"good. hi logang." i waved at his vlog camera.

"oh that's right, this is your first appearance on logan paul vlogs, always plug. logang this is riley. she's a friend of the why don't we boys." i smiled again. "come on in." he moved to the side and i walked in his apartment. "riley will be staying with me for a couple days. she will also be in my shoot tomorrow. also go buy your maverick merch, link in the description."

logan showed me around the apartment and i met both kong and maverick. kong is so cute and fluffy i just wanted to hold him forever.

the rest of the night, i hung out with logan and his vlog. eventually, i took a shower and went to bed.

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