first day of school

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I am walking to my 7th period. It is show choir. I decided to take this class because I like singing and dancing. I am used to getting new teachers every year. But I hear more about it than the other times. I don't know why but... nevermind. I walk into class and I see all of my buddies standing around someone. I decide ro set down on the risers that were in the room. Then I hear a familiar voice. Way too familiar.  When everyone sat down in their assigned seats, I look at who the  teacher is. I r s BRENDON FUCKING URIE!!! Eeeeeeeeee!!!! He then starts to call out names. "Abby" "here"... "tyler" "here" "(y/n)" I blush and let out a squeek. "Here!"  He comes to an end of rollcall. He then says,"alright today we are going to look over the songs and the order they are in for our shows for compititions. I have the list posted on the mirror." He starts to read them off one by one.." first song... victorious, second song.... don't threaten me with a good time, third song.... hallelujah, fourth song... emporers new clothes, and finally the fifth song... death of a bachelor!" I wa the only one who knew this order vividly. He was going on order of his latest album.. DOAB! Of course all of my friends In there knew the songs but I was the only one who new the order. I was thinking out loud and then said,"wait a minute... this is the first five songs in order of the new album of yours DOAB!" I feel the whole class turn and look at me... even brendon.. I started to blush. Everyone started to say,"wait if you know the exact order then why didn't you tell us this..." "I thought I would be too much of a geek" "oh come on we see you wear their shirts all the time... see you are right now as well..." I blush harder at this. "But I just... I just felt if I told ypu guys you would have told me to sing or something. Cause you have done it before." Abby comes up to me and says,"I had already known... but you are not a terrible singer either..." She trailed off knowing I would find out what she was doing. "(Y/n) is it why don't you come up and sing at least one of the songs up here..." I blush.. the first day was to be relaxing and helpful... not stressing and nervous! I go up to the front and pick DTMWAGT and start to sing. I decide to mimmik brendon on the high heels. This was actually really fun. I got done and everyone started cheering. I just felt so.. so ... alive! After class was over I decided to walk home.

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