time skip to wed.

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It is a wednesday. Brend... umm Mr. Urie let's us have free days on wednesdays. Since there is not a lot of work to to at the beginning g of the school year.. I decide to put on my beats and put on my gallery of P!ATD songs on shuffle. I listen as I have nothing else to do than to either read fanfiction on wattpad about him... but that would make things awkward.. so I decided to write everything that goes on in here.. he walls around the class room and asks how people have been. He gets to me. Everyone has headphone on but mine are the loudest. Right now I have lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off playing... he hears it and lightly pulls my left headphone off of my ear. This makes me have tingles down my spine. He then says,"nice music taste... so what you doing..." "oh nothing just reading and writing... that's all" I try to play it cool but hell it's hard when your favorite singer does this.. "He smiles and walks away... I really like free days. It is the time where I can chill and not worry about stuff. Until the next morning....

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