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(This picture above is something I drew)
I am now out of social studies. I walk into class and I go up to brendon. "Yes (y/n), what do you need?" "Umm.. I just.. uh.. wanted to tell you that I am going to a concert tommorrow."
" what concert?" He says this with a smile but it's not the usual. This time it's like he knows. "Umm. Like one of my favorite bands of all time!!!!" He smiles at this and I go and sit down next to abby. Abby asks,"what was going on up there?" "Umm one of the best things happened to me!" "What?!" "I get to go to the new panic!at the disco concert tomorrow and I have a backstage pass!" "Eeeeeee you are so lucky!!" We both jump up and down in a childish way. We sit down and wait for class to start. "Alright class today we will practice our songs for half of the period then we will do choreography for the rest of the time!" Everyone smiles and sits quietly until instructed to start singing. We sing all the songs and now doing the choreography for our ballod(DOAB). after class I say goodbye to all of my friends and  Brendon.

A/n* sorry it is so short my phone is at 5% RN so very sorry it is short! I will make another chapter late tonight😊 and if you want comment any suggestions a d I will pick 2 ideas and give shoutouts to the two I pick*

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