coreagraphe practice

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I get into class and wonder why we haven't started roll yet. I go over to Abby and ask her. "I don't know why but he seems a little spacy and energetic at times. Kind of like you yesterday." I nod my head at her words. I go and sit down. For some reason I have been made the class captain to help along with the moves. Brendon then snaps out of dream land and says," alright class... ummm.. we can practice our moves today.. (y/n) please help them again today!" I nod my head and start to give pointers on the one song we all need to improve on... don't threaten me with a good time. I then say,"now for the 'guy in a chiffon skirt we will take our shirt and or skirt and take the rim and twist it around like this!.. left, right, left... now then for the 'I make these high heels work' we put our right leg out and swiveled our hips like so..." I do it to show an example and everyo e seems to get it. We make it through the whole song and the bell rings. I walk out of the classroom after telling everyone including brendon I'll see them tommorrow and with that I go back to my locker and another paper falls out...
Dear (y/n),
You smiled at my note yesterday... it looks very radiant on you.. wear a smile more often. BTW love your shirt today...I will give you a hint of my name bc I know you are probably wondering... I f starts with a b.... see you tomorrow!!
Wow sounds kind of stalky.. but still cute at the same time. And with that you giggle and head back home (dorm room).

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