locker love??

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I open my locker and a piece of paper falls out. I bend down and pick it up. I read it...
Dear (y/n),
You look really cute today... I like your band choice today... (y/f/b/s) huh? Just wanted to let you know that you are cute...
After I read it I couldn't help but smile at this note... wonder who gave it to me... oh well tome to get to Mr. Dreamy... I..mean Mr. Urie's class. I get into class. I look out the window daydreaming. The whole time I didn't realize that I had been singing. The whole class just sat there staring at me the whole class time. Before I could leave brendon calls me over
.."are you alright you kinda spaced out earlier."
"Yah im.. I'm fine j just n need to umm.. I need to go.. see you tomorrow!" And with that I left and walked home.
_time skip brought to you by... love is not a choice_
I go to my room and put the note in a special droor. Nothing was in it, but I decided to change that. I put the note in the droor and flopped on my bed thinking of who it could be. I then fall asleep from thinking for so long. I wake up at midnight to my phone buzzing uncontrollablely.
-@brendonurie liked your post-
-@brendonurie liked your post-
I had at least 20 notifications of the same thing. I look at my twitter. Almost every picture had been liked by brendon... I turn my phone to sleep mode and fall back asleep...

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