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(Yn) POV
I was on my way to the motel that I payed for before hand. It had a lot of great deals too. It had a pool/hot tub, casino, buffet, nice people everywhere. Once I checked into the hotel I grabbed my key card and went to room 111 on the second floor. I get dressed into my (fc) bikini and went to the pool. I decided to go to the inside one cause everyone was outside. So I dove off of the diving board. On my 5th time, I stopped and glanced to my right. Someone was walking through the door. Someone really familiar looking... The lips, those eyes.. *gasps* its him!! I quickly dive off without thinking and I splash him. He yells,"DAMNIT.. well now I dont have to get used to it...." I giggle underwater and then slightly peek my head up just to were I can breath through my nose. For some reason my mind thinks back to just a few minutes ago... Where the boys said "ooooo" Brendon blushed when I did. Huh, this is really weird. Why would a singer part teacher like me... I have never had feelings for anyone and no one had feelings for me. I was the coward, the goody two shoes, the dork ,etc. I just dont know why he would like me. Well I push those thoughts aside and I keep swimming. I swim for about an hour when someone bumps into me. The person says,"oh I'm so sorr...." I smile at him and I say,"Its okay Brendon dont sweat it😁" and with that I swim to the ladder and go to my bag. I grab my towel from my bag and dry off and wrap myself in the wet soggy towel.

Brendon's POV
That was really awesome for (yn) to give us the presents she made. They were beautiful. Well I'm heading to a hotel cause I heard they have great pools there. I go in check into room 112. I get in and get dressed into swim trunks. I immediately head straight for the pool. When In there I see this girl in a (fc) bikini. I guess she sees me and I hear her gasp. After a couple of seconds she dives off with perfect form. I get splashed of course. I yell something out of anger and humor. I recognize that girl but I can't put my finger on it. Anyway I jump on the pool with a back flip and I splash everywhere. I swim for a while until I bump into someone. I look up and start to say I am sorry but before I can finish I look up and all I could see was (yn)'s pretty (ec) eyes. She gazed into my chocolate brown ones and then looks around. I notice she tries to keep her gaze off of me. She then says for me not to sweat it. And with that she is already getting out and dried. She tells me to have a good night and to travel safe tomorrow. I tell her you too and away she goes... Out of my grasp again.. God damn it!! Why  can't I just tell her how I feel already!! Uuuugggh! Well... I will just have to change that... Tomorrow!😏

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