thursday (confesion day)

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Brendon's pov
Today is the day! I will not piss out because I am nervous. I need to tell her my feelings. No matter how I tell her. She is going to get such a surprise!

(Yn) POV
I am at school. I open my locker but no note is there today. Aww I liked those notes I also had my suspicion of who wrote them. Brendon! He is the only person that I communicate with that has a b at the beginning of his name! Oh well.. Off to class. I get to class and I am the first one there. I read a sign that said,"everyone to the library except for (yn), I have to sight read with her!" Oookaaay... I didnt know sight reading was today.. I thought it was tomorrow. Oh well I will just go with it. So I find him setting at his desk. I go over and say," OK I guess I'm ready to sight read. And I pull out my phone to check to see if there were any texts like I normally do. He grabs it. " ah.ah.ah" he has a smirk on his face. I as tart to grow in rage. My face turning a tint of pink. I grab for it but he swings it back then puts it right in my face. I lunge at it and then next thing you know his soft, plump lips were kissing me softly. All my rage had melted into love. I kissed back and everything had melted away. I pull away and blush. He looks at me and says,"aww does someone have a cwrushy wushy!" .."whhhaaaaat pffft, noooo" OK I said that way too high pitched. He looks at me and says ,"you know you need to learn how to control your blush and your puples." I look in the mirror and my eyes are huge and my face looked like it had been coated with red paint. "You know I like you right" ...."yah I know and let me tell you something... I like like you too.. But its different. Nobody has ever had feelings for me ever. I liked you for your music at first..*stars to blush again* but then I started liking you for music and looks. Then I started watchinv your vines and yada yada. I then realized you are more than a celebrity... You are the one. The one I fell in love with the first time I heard a note fall out of your mouth. And what you just did was both a brilliant idea and not to mention well played and something I liked.. So yah.. I do like you... A lot!" I smile at how I just confessed everything. "Well now its my turn... I honestly started liking you the moment you came into class the first day. I just didnt know how to tell you I liked you so I didnt until now. I thought you would be disgusted at how I was a..." I cut him off by giving him another kiss. This lasted a few minutes. Ugh.. This man. I dont know how he did it but damn. He was good! Finally! He then said rubbing the back of his neck,"h hey can I possibly have your number?" "Sure" I give him my number and walked out of class because the bell rang.

Brendon's POV
I was worried that she would be disgusted at how a teacher liked her. But when I was talking she kissed me! She liked it truly! She meant every word! Shhhiiiiit! She is good looking! I see her have a skip to her step when she walks out. Oh no! She forgot her phone. Shit! I will continue soon! I have to take it to her!
le time skip
I find her just in time cause soon the flood of people would come from those doors. She was sitting under the cherry blossom tree singing. Like she always does. She saw me and she waved. I take her phone out of my pocket and she sighs in relief. "thank you so much.. You are a life saver!" "Well you are welcome so now you owe me one... Say.. 10 pm at (resteraunt of choice)?" "umm like hells yah! See you then" a d with that she kissed me on the cheek and walks to her house. Wow her house is like right across the street! Well time to go and relax before I get ready. But first time to make sure it was the right number. (Yn)=you, B=Brendon
B: hey this is Brendon
(Yn): oh hey what's up!😀
B:oh I was just making sure this was the right number!
(Yn): oh OK.. I'm still super excited for tonight! See you soon XOXO
B:see you soon XOXOXOXOXO😘
and with that I go home a d relax. Wow I'm super happy! Today could not have cotton any better!
*A/n hello my fellow panic!'s out there reading... I have an announcement!!! My upload days on any of my books will be Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and friday!! There you go.. Hope you have a good day!!!😘*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2017 ⏰

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