Chapter 11

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A/N: long time no see, finally it's summer and now there's plenty of time to update stories :) - ThatBubbleGumBxtch/Iz

Their conversation was soon interrupted by the loud sound of someone's ringtone going off. With a red face Rey reached into her pocket to find an incoming call from Finn. She looked up to meet Ben's eyes and his gaze seemed full of curiosity as to why there would be such a sudden interruption.

"Do you mind if I take this?"

"No," He gave her a tight lipped smile and in response she only nodded as she walked outside to take the call.

"Finn what is it?" The question came out a lot more harsh than she had intended but her previous annoyance with Finn still hadn't worn off and she wasn't so sure it would.

"Rey I get you're mad at me but you've got to listen to me."

"I'm listening..."

She turned back around to look through the glass windows of the cafe and caught eyes with Ben once again. The eye contact didn't last to long for Rey quickly went back to looking down at her feet, her cheeks burning.

"Kylo Ren, or Ben, or whatever he goes by now...he's not what he says he is."
"What are you talking about?"

"I found some files..."

Rey didn't respond at first, biting down on her cheek she attempted to regain some control on her current emotions, it didn't work.

"Finn...I don't want to hear it."

"I'm just trying to watch out for you peanut."

"I know that..." She turned back to catch another glance at Ben through the window, and found him smiling at her. Rey smiled back before proceeding to carry on the call. "But I can handle myself, Finn it's going to be okay. I have a feeling about this...can you trust me?"

"Of course."


"Who was that?"

"Oh," Rey started to get back into her seat, "That was just Finn."

Ben didn't reply at first so instead she added on.

"He's my best friend, he just wanted to check on me."

"I see."


He looked up to meet her eyes, "Yes?"

"Can I ask you a question?"

"What is it?"

Rey tapped her feet lightly on the ground, a pit of nerves in her stomach. She didn't exactly know why she had become so nervous but Finn's call had left her somewhat curious.

"Why was your petal inscribed with a D?"

He didn't respond at first, instead he diverted his gaze to the smooth rich brown surface of the table they were currently sitting at. The silence soon became deafening.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just something personal, I'm sorry."

Rey smiled softly, "I understand."

Reaching across the table she reached for his hand and squeezed it slightly in means of encouragement. "You can tell me when you're ready."

"I will."

"You promise?"

Ben took a deep breath in, "I promise."

"Good," Rey replied a big smile gracing her lips.


She came home later that day and a feeling of childlike giddiness had filled her stomach. Rey didn't exactly know why she was recently feeling this way but her recent visits to see Ben always left her euphoric.

"Peanut, you're back."

"I guess I am..." she replied before Finn stepped forward to wrap his arms around her small frame. In response she hugged him back, resting her head against his chest.

"You know I only want the best for you."

"I know."

"I just don't want you to get hurt."

Rey nodded against his chest, not speaking.

"But if he's making you happy I'll back off a bit, I'll still beat him up if he hurts you but I'll back off."

She smiled at his words, "Thank you."

"No problem, peanut. Anything for you."

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