Chapter 6

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"I have to talk to him," Rey pleaded.

Finn uncrossed his arms to gesture sternly. "Did you not see him? The boy is on the brink of death, let him be."

"Finn. I have to talk to him. Maybe he knows why I get the petals. Maybe he gets the petals, too. I need to know."

"You need to let him be with his family and rest."

"Finn, please, help me get to him. Just for one minute?"

"No, Rey. We've done enough."

Rey pushed away the tears with the back of her hand. "I've been getting updates on his life for over two decades. I am not going to let him slip away from me after all this time."

"We still don't know if he's the person the petals are for, Rey."

"A boy my age. Living in the same city. Who's suddenly sick the same time the petals turn black. This is no coincidence."

"Let's go."

"Finn," she cried.

"Please, Rey. It's late and we both have work tomorrow."

She picked at her cuticles, thinking intensely. "Fine."

"Thank you."

Finn drove Rey home in silence. He thought she was mad, but Rey was simply lost in her thoughts. They exchanged "good night"s and parted ways.

Rey promptly changed clothing, brushed her hair, and walked to the nearest bus station. New to this form of transportation, she nervously poked around for information on how to reach her destination. The girl sat, knees pulled in, in the front.

A strange array of people boarded and departed the bus. Her eyes darted around in curiosity. It was a melancholy sight, yet unshakable in its intrigue. Soon, the dark roads ended and the neon hospital sign filtered onto the seats.

"Your stop, youngin'," the driver said.

Rey dropped her feet back down and shuffled onto the sidewalk. Which entrance had Finn used? Her sneakers scuffed quietly as she navigated the pathways. Finally, familiarity began to sink in.

With a large measure of stealth, Rey bypassed the front desk and maneuvered through the halls. She swiped up a Styrofoam cup of ice chips. 435. 435. 435. She reached the fourth floor and made her way to the room. Leia and the others were gone now.
He was all alone.

Rey entered and sat on a chair pulled up to his bedside. Now burdened with an absurd notion, she watched the rise and fall of his chest. Maybe some part of her thought he couldn't stop if she was watching.

The boy's face was thinned, eyes sunken. No previous sight had broken Rey's heart as much.

She noted tight bandages around his arms and bruises on his collarbone. Broken. Lost. Afraid. So many thoughts passed through her head.

Looking down, she wiped away more tears. "Who are you?" A weak voice mumbled.

Rey shot up and awkwardly shook the cup. "Nurse. Wanted to see if you... wanted ice chips."

"You don't look like a nurse."

"Just got in. Haven't changed yet."

The boy turned his head back to the ceiling. "I don't want any ice chips, thank you."

I can't leave. Not now, she deliberated. "Do you want to at least try some?"

He paused. Rey held her breath.


She rushed back to his side and helped him sit up as much as he could. Not knowing how else to proceed, Rey began to gather ice chips onto the spoon and held it out for him. He took the bite.

"How are you feeling?"


Rey plundered for answers. "Do you think you're getting better?"

"Maybe. Shouldn't you know this?"

"I do," she scrambled, "but I like to hear from the patients themselves."


"Do you want more ice?"

"I think I'm going to sleep again."

What? Rey had too many questions left unanswered. But she knew she couldn't push him. "Okay."

Rey got up from the chair and turned the lights out. It was on the clipboard outside the door that she got one last answer.

"His name is Ben," she whispered.

A Million Petals • Reylo AU (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now