Frozen Yogurt

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*Tyler's POV*

I knew the second Korey noticed us holding hands this was coming, but that didn't help the guilty feeling in my stomach. It was bad enough I'd gotten with the one guy he didn't approve of, but the fact I did it behind is back was like salt in the wound. He was pissed. Korey rarely got pissed, even when I'd backed his car up into a pole he was only irked, but I could tell this was different. He yanked on my arm, hard, the last step before the men's room and I tumbled in after him.

"Look, I can explain-"

"Explain what, exactly? Are you and Troye an item or is he just another sex toy to you?"

"Well, we're not officially together yet, but-"

"No, don't fucking 'but' me. He's eighteen, Tyler. You have done a lot of stupid shit during our friendship, but this just might top the list. I can't believe my best friend is a freaking cradle-snatcher!"

"He's a legal adult."

"Wow, and technically a relationship between a seventy year old and a twenty-five year old is legal, but does that make it right?"

"That's a forty-five year age difference, you twat. We only have six."

"Look, Tyler, I get it. We've been friends for years and if there's one thing I've realized it's that you think with your dick. But you must realize this isn't going to work out? He's going to want to move on and try new things and you're going to want to move on and try new people. And your mother, Jackie is going to be so pissed."

"Well, what Jackie doesn't know won't hurt her. I love-" I'd meant to explain it all to him in detail, why I was willing to put so much at stake for the stupid boy, but his hand covered my mouth before I got the chance.

"You're keeping secrets from your own mother now? Do I even know you any more?"

"Korey." I whispered, watching him storm out of the room. He'd come around, right? I finally had him in the same city as me and I would do something stupid like go and screw it up. I sighed, staring at myself in the mirror. I watched a tear roll down my cheek and shook my head vigorously. No, I can't let Troye know how upset I am, it'll only worry the poor boy even more. I wiped the tears from my face and put on my most convincing smile, praying he hadn't been around me quite enough yet to see through it.

When I joined them at the table again I wasn't surprised to see Korey's spot was empty. I knew I should probably excuse him somehow so the other's weren't left wondering, but I couldn't find the will to speak right now. I felt Troye's soft hand grab mine and thanked the heavens I had him to help me through this. I knew he wouldn't ask what was wrong until I wanted to tell him, he'd just support my blindly though it because that's the way he was.

"So, ready to order?" Joey said cheerily. This was his sneaky way of asking if Korey would be coming back. Everyone nodded in unison, my nod a bit slower and more tentative than theirs, but I nodded all the same. I could feel Troye's worried eyes on my face the entire meal, but I couldn't even give him a reassuring smile. My best friend thinks I'm a monster.

After dinner everyone panned out, hugging good-bye to Troye like he was some sort of angel, not that I could blame them. He really was an angel, but they had no idea to what extent. Troye and I started to head back to the car when I felt a hand slap my ass. I jumped into Troye in shock, spinning around afterwards with wide eyes.

"What's up your ass tonight, Ty? It's just me." Sawyer laughed, pulling me into a friendly hug. Or at least I hoped it was friendly, for Troye's sake. 

"Sorry, just a little on edge, that's all." Oh, and my almost boyfriend is standing next to us, but I can't exactly tell you that.

"No big deal, don't worry about it. I was wondering if you two would care to join Joey and I for some fro-yo? An after dinner snack, if you will."

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