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**This is a smut warning, consider yourself warned. The whole chapter is just smut, okbye**

*Troye's POV*

"What about the car?" I asked hopefully, my eyes trailing over the disheveled man beneath me. He already looked like a mess, despite his efforts to push me off of him early on. His pants were unbuttoned and his fly down, his hair had lost most of it's hold, and his face was flushed a vibrant red as he panted underneath me. This was exactly how I liked to see him too, well, minus the remaining clothes.

I came back to reality slowly, noticing that his lips were moving. I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying though, I knew from his expression it was nothing I wanted to hear anyway. Instead I focused on trying to think of something to say that'd get him on board with my plan.

"You know, for your slutty reputation you're actually a bit of a prude." This wasn't even the elaborate plan I'd been trying to think of, it was just me speaking my mind while I awaited the epiphany. But upon hearing this Tyler's jaw unhinged slightly and he sat up, letting me slide down onto his lap. 

"I am not a prude." He hissed, moving closer until our lips were practically touching. We didn't kiss though, instead just locking eyes at this close proximity. I studied his eyes for a while, trying to decide what my response should be. It didn't take much to spot just how dark they were, making it very clear my attempts to win him over were working. Just a little bit further...

"Oh yeah? Why don't you prove it? Show me just how much of a slut you are." I whispered, making sure to breath over his neck. He trembled underneath me, but didn't reply, still trying to clutch to the last few shards of self-control. I rolled my eyes, we both knew it was futile at this point. There was no fighting this. I leaned in again, this time taking his earlobe between my teeth. He gasped, his grip on my hips tightening noticeably. 

"Troye." He whimpered, as if begging me to cut it out. Like I would let him off that easy. I moved on to his neck, continuing my collection of love bites I'd peppered across his skin. He definitely wasn't fighting it anymore though, he'd obviously given up. Instead he was writhing underneath me, his hips occasionally bucking up against me. With each passing second he seemed to be losing any inhibitions more and more, his hands travelling over my body and his moans getting louder. I pulled away from his neck, needing to see his face right now. His glasses were askew, but I still had no trouble noticing how dark his eyes were with lust. I bit my lip, suddenly a bit intimidated. I guess that was fair though, considering not even a second later he was pushing me backward onto the ground. I gasped, trying to ignore the jolt of pain as best I could. For once Tyler didn't dwell on it though, likely too distracted with the matter at hand. He was fumbling clumsily with my shirt buttons, cursing under his breath whenever he fucked up. He looked strangely cute, his lip tucked in in deep concentration as he worked. The second he made it to the last button though, any 'cute' aspects vanished and he was back to the dominant figure he'd been a second before. He lurched forward, running his tongue along my now-exposed collar bone. 

"Oh, Tyler!" I cried out, my hands flailing until they'd found his lilac hair. I weaved my fingers through it, pulling a bit too hard whenever he flicked his tongue across my skin. I could tell because he'd let out little annoyed grunts whenever I did, sometimes even nipping me to tell me to cut it out. I couldn't stop though, not when his mouth felt so good against my skin. It wasn't until he finally pulled away that my fingers ceased their treacherous clenching and unclenching. His breath was coming out in short raspy pants, his eyes trailing over my body until he reached my waist. A smirk slowly enveloped his face and my eyes went wide.

"What happened to the car?" I asked, pushing him off of me. Now that we had an alternative I definitely didn't want to continue out here in the woods. Tyler didn't seem to care anymore though, as his eyes followed me lustfully as I scrambled away from him. 

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