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*Troye's POV*

I groaned, rolling over and flailing my arms out simultaneously. This bed was hella uncomfortable. I raised my head off the lumpy pillow slightly, frowning at the stark white pillow and sheets. There was only one place that kept their colors that bland, and my thoughts were confirmed when I looked around the hospital room. Gross. 

I blinked blearily, rubbing my eyes and ever so slowly, sitting up. I yawned loudly, my mind finally catching up to my conscious state. My memories flooded back to me and I frowned, sort of wishing they hadn't. With them had come all my fears and anxieties from my moody moments last night before I fell asleep. Damn it, I'd really been hoping to forget those. I ran a hand through my hair, before another issue invaded my mind mid-way and I had to stop. Where was Tyler? He'd fallen asleep here! I felt a little bit ashamed at how fast my heart was beating and all the conclusions my mind was jumping to, but at the same time it made sense. I'd been through a hell of a lot lately, it only made sense my view of the world was a little twisted for a bit. Hopefully it wasn't the sort of thing that'd last for months though, or even worse, years.

I perked up, hearing the door open. I felt a little bad when my smile immediately dimmed, seeing it wasn't Tyler. Steele walked in, holding a little giftbag and smiling. He definitely looked a lot cheerier than last night, maybe it was just because he'd gotten a good night's sleep now that I was safe. I felt bad being such a nuisance to them all.

"Hey, baby bro, how are you this morning?"

"Great actually, despite the kink in my back." I complained, reaching around and trying to ease the pain in my back. He gave a sympathetic smile, inviting himself to sit down in the chair next to the bed. He held out his gift then, nodding at me to open it. I didn't hesitate, snatching it from his hands and opening it. I grinned, looking down at the regal picture frame. It was glass, with the word 'family' scrawled across the top in cursive. 

"I love it." I said, still distracted as I scanned the present repeatedly. When I looked up finally he was blushing slightly, obviously happy with my reaction.

"Yeah, I thought of you when I saw it." I flashed another smile, setting it down gently on the bedside table. A comfortable silence enveloped the room then, but neither of us minded. We'd never really been sharers, at least, not with each other. We didn't need to talk or have deep emotional moments, we just automatically knew how much the other cared. Eventually, after nearly twenty minutes had passed, I couldn't contain my curiosity any longer.

"Where's Tyler?" I blurted. I hated myself for how obvious my obsession was, but I also knew I couldn't even try to hide it. I finally looked up, nervous to see his reaction. He didn't look annoyed, but he definitely looked hurt.

"What's wrong?" I asked tentatively, shifting down the bed a bit so I could place a hand on his shoulder. He shrugged at first, pretending to be indifferent, then ended up shaking his head looking exasperated.

"It's just always Tyler-this, Tyler-that, there are other people on the planet you know. You nearly missed our visit last night for him. I get it, you're in love and all, but don't forget about the other people that care about you. The people that cared even when Tyler didn't." I frowned, debating correcting him on the fact that Tyler always cared, he just didn't always show it. I didn't though, instead focusing on the other things he had said. He had a point. I'd been pretty wrapped up in the Troyler world lately. I sighed, making a mental note to actually care about other things too. 

"I'm sorry, Steele, I didn't even realize." I mumbled, looking bashful. I opened my arms, initiating a brotherly hug. He took my offer, standing and draping his arms around my shoulders. 

"I'm sorry too. It's just I'm gonna miss you a lot when you move, we hardly see each other as it is." At first I just nodded into our embrace, before actually taking the time to think about what he'd said. I launched myself out of the hug, my eyes wide. He seemed confused, so I decided to elaborate.

"Moving? What do you mean 'moving'?" I quizzed, studying his face with my brows furrowed. His jaw unhinged slightly, his face the classic expression of someone who'd said something they weren't supposed to. I smirked slightly, narrowing my eyes and silently saying the words 'spill it'. He opened his mouth and closed it a few times, looking genuinely at a loss for words, before we heard the doorknob click. I looked up slowly, smiling like a lunatic when I seen Tyler backing into the room, holding the door open with his butt as he juggled bags of food and hummed Lady Gaga. Man, did I ever love that idiot. 

He turned around now, letting the door close behind him, and flashed a huge smile. 

"Hey losers, who's hungry?" I rolled my eyes at the way he sang the last word, motioning for him to come sit on my bed and hook me up with some good eats. He listened, walking towards the bed and swinging his hips slightly, the Lady Gaga tune likely still playing in his mind. He sat down, immediately chucking one bag to me and one to Steele. I wondered if he'd bought my other family members something to eat too, considering they were likely somewhere around the hospital. Steele eagerly ripped the bag open, almost a little too enthusiastically. I was confused for a moment, before realizing he was just using it as a much wanted conversation change.

"So, what were you saying? About me moving?" I continued, reaching my leg off the bed and kicking his knee gently. He looked up, looking even more like a deer in headlights than before. I laughed slightly, thinking it was some kind of joke, before turning and noticing the way Tyler was giving him a death glare.

"Ty?" I asked, setting a hand on his thigh encouragingly. It didn't seem to help though, considering he didn't even cast a glance in my direction. I sighed, at wit's end, and turned back toward Steele.

"Steele?" I asked, praying he'd give me a more elaborate explanation. Steele was blushing more now, acting like he was totally ashamed with himself.

"I-I'm gonna give you two some privacy, I think you have something to talk about." Steele said, keeping eye contact with Tyler the entire time. I hadn't thought it possible to furrow my brow even more, but I did at those words. Why was he acting so out of character? He never regretted words or felt embarrassed, it just wasn't a part of his vocabulary. Tyler nodded at his suggestion, even going so far as to gesture him out of the room. I watched him leave, more puzzled now than ever. 

"Tyler. Explanation. Now." I demanded, turning and glaring at him. I hated being left out of things, especially things that involved the most important man in my life. He gave a long sigh, ultimately just nodding and locking eyes with me. He took a deep breath, obviously preparing himself for whatever it was he was about to say. 

A/n: HEyeayayayahahayaha, I SAID HEY, WHAT'S GONIG ON? I ate this really weird ice cream today and it's flavor was literally 'Hokey Pokey' what kind of name is that? Idk, anyway, sorry this is so short but whatever this is what you get. Love it or list it. Okay COMMENT AND VOTE MUNCHKIN BIDDLY-BOOPS :*

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