Temporary Farewell

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*Troye's POV*

We spent most of the drive in silence, though it wasn't comfortable like normal for us. It was like you could physically feel the solemn tension in the air. As if to enforce my point, Tyler even turned the radio off when Lady Gaga came on. I sighed loudly, sinking back in my seat to watch as the buildings flew by. I jumped suddenly, Tyler's hand grabbing mine catching me off guard. I squeezed it tightly then, appreciating the supportive gesture.

"You wanna get Starbucks?" He asked quietly, still not taking his eyes off the road. I kissed his hand happily, smiling like a crazy person.

"Yes, please." I hummed, using my free hand to turn the radio back on. Who knows, maybe it would cheer us up and if not, at least it was a welcome distraction from the thoughts bouncing off the walls. A familiar song echoed through the small space and I watched as Tyler's eyes lit up, my heart warming knowing he'd cheered up even in the slightest. I couldn't help it when I threw my head back and started belting the chorus, but Tyler definitely didn't seem to mind. He was always the first to compliment me when I posted a new cover, or the one to encourage me if I started humming or singing while we were out. I guess you could say he was my biggest fan, but he was also my lover, and my best friend. He was everything I ever needed, all in one.

I kept my eyes on the clock the entire time Tyler was inside Starbucks. The numbers were getting concernedly close to when my flight was scheduled to leave, but for some reason it still didn't feel quite as important as just getting coffee with Tyler. There'd always be another flight, but there was no way to ever get this moment with him back, or any moments for that matter. I wanted to take advantage of every second I ever got to spend with him, because they'd surely be the seconds that counted when I looked back on my life.

I jumped, hearing someone knock on my window. I knew it was Tyler before even looking, only he would knock like some sort of lunatic. I looked over at him with an annoyed expression, though it immediately vanished when I seen the delicious drink in his hands. I rolled down the window and he passed it to me, pulling a kissy-face before walking around to his side of the car. I took a huge sip of my drink, a content sigh leaving my lips just as Tyler got into his seat.

"Is it good?" He giggled, biting his lip as he looked over at me adoringly. I shrugged, faking nonchalant as I took another sip. He reached over, punching me playfully as he rolled his eyes. He could see right through my act, not surprisingly. When I pulled the cup away this time, I noticed the black marker scrawled across it. Aw, Tyler had gotten my name written on it! I turn it around with a huge smile on my face, one that only dims slightly when I realize what he'd actually got written.

"Twink?" I asked skeptically. He took to giggling like an idiot, explaining between laughter that it had been an older lady working who likely had no idea what a 'twink' was, so she believed him when he said it was just a friendly nickname. I groaned outwardly, though I couldn't hide that inside I was grinning ear to ear watching Tyler be so happy. He'd finally brightened up, getting over our separation enough to enjoy the time we still had together. He seemed to be planning to just drink our coffee here, despite our limited time frame to get to our destination. I wasn't about to complain though, if he wasn't driving it meant we could actually have a proper conversation. 

"So, do you have a big welcome party planned for when I arrive in LA?" I asked teasingly, eyeing him over the rim of my drink. I wasn't sure what to expect when I arrived honestly. I wouldn't put it above Tyler to throw some sort of welcome bash for me, even if it wasn't what I wanted. He was way more of a social butterfly than I was, and we both knew that. I think the entire world knew that, to be honest.

"A party? Sorry babe, but the things I'm gonna do to you when I see you next are for our eyes only." He smirked, squeezing my thigh suggestively. I felt the blush rising in my cheeks and grimaced. Would there ever come a time when I wasn't constantly blushing around him? I definitely didn't foresee it in the near future at least. I realized I hadn't replied and hurriedly tried to think of a response, preferably one that'd make him blush.

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