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Baz's POV

Snow was following me again. I could hear him stumble every once in awhile because of the dark. Every time I almost turned around and made sure he was okay, but I knew he thought he was being sneaky so I just let him keep following me. 

We were in the Catacombs and he was once again trying to find evidence that I was a vampire. If he looked closely at me then he'd see I almost never blush, but of course he would never want to look closely at a vampire. That would be too much to ask from him. 

I turned a corner and waited a couple seconds for him to catch up so he wouldn't get lost. When I was sure he knew where I was, I kept going. I didn't care if he was doing this to get me killed, my mother would've wanted me dead anyway. She would have killed me right away had she known that I had been Turned. She would've never put up with me. 

I glanced behind me and chuckled as I saw (vampires have better sight than humans) him rush to the side of the wall in attempt to hide in the shadows. He looked scared that he'd been caught. Or at least that's what I told myself he was scared about. Truthfully, though, I knew he was scared I would Turn or kill him. I pushed away that thought and kept walking. Eventually I arrived in an empty chamber, and Snow followed me in.

Now what do I do? Scare him away? Tell him I know he's here? Or give myself away? I wasn't sure. 

With a flick of my wand and a quick spell, I closed the door behind him. He gasped and started backing away from me. I frowned, "Snow, why do you have to follow me everywhere? It's really impractical."

"Y-You knew?"

"Of course I did."

"I-I'm sorry."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. We need some light in here so you can see where I am so you stop freaking out." I flicked my wand and said the enchantment for light. Soon the room was lit like we were outside.

It didn't help his terror. He was pressed up against the wall, trembling. I walked over him and pulled him into my arms, causing the shaking to intensify. "Shhhh, it'll be alright, Simon. I won't hurt you."

He was still scared. He squirmed and managed to get away from me. I sighed. "What am I going to do with you, Snow?" He whimpered. "I already told you I won't hurt you, Simon."

I tried approaching him again but he panicked. I jumped back as fire started to snake out through his wand. "Simon, get rid of it!" I yelped. It had formed a circle around me and was starting to grow taller. 

"I don't know how!"

I looked for a way out. I found a place that the fire was low, but as soon as I tried to get over it, it surged upwards and I jumped back. I looked to Simon in fear. I had changed my mind; I didn't want him to try to kill me. I didn't care what my mother thought anymore. I wanted to live, but I doubted I would. These could be my last few moments alive, and they were with Simon.

It was sort of funny. I had always wished that I would die by his side, but I should've been more specific. Not that this happened because I wished for it. 

"Simon, please, get rid of it!"

"I can't!" He was crying. 

I would've used my wand, but it had rolled away. I had dropped it when the fire first came out of his wand. 

I tried controling it. It didn't work, this fire was different.

Now I was panicking even more. There was nothing else I could do to stop my death. It was all up to Snow's powers, which weren't very reliable. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. This is what my mother would have wanted. I shouldn't be fighting death anymore, I know it's wrong to not give up. I'm a monster and this is what I deserve. 

Tears started falling down my cheeks. I didn't want death. I wanted to stay here, and learn magic, and tease Snow, and...

I fell to my knees. The fire had formed a dome over me. 

You'll die down here and Snow will be the only one to see it. 

The dome started getting smaller. I would be dead within the minute.

I could barely breathe. Smoke was everywhere. I realized if Simon couldn't put out the fire, he would die too. 

"S-Simon, my w-wand..." I started coughing. Simon quickly got my wand and threw it to me. Luckily it had a fire-proof coating on it so I wouldn't ever accidentally catch it on fire and burn it. It came through the fire unharmed. I flicked it towards the door and whispered the enchantment. "Go." 

"W-what?" Snow stuttered, shocked. 

"Go! Get out of here!"

"I-I can't just leave you..."

The dome collapsed, about to burn me. I closed my eyes and prepared for my death. Snow screamed.

I waited. Nothing happened.

I couldn't hear the crackling of the fire anymore. All I could hear was someone breathing heavily. I probably was too.

I opened my eyes. The fire was gone. There was no proof that it was ever here. I looked up at Simon. His eyes were shut and he was pressed against the wall again. 

I don't know what came over me, but I ran over and hugged him. "You did it, Snow!"

He managed a weak smile. "Y-Yeah."

I don't remember how long we stayed like that, with him in my arms. But I do remember things were different between us after that.


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