The Stone

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Baz's POV (Have I had any Simon POV's yet? I need to work on that.)

I was bored. Snow wasn't here to tease and I had finished all my homework, plus I had put a dead frog in Snow's bed, so really I had nothing left to do.

I sighed. Maybe I could read something. I got up from my bed and went over to my desk. I frowned. Where was my book? I was sure I had put it on my desk.

I decided Snow must've taken it. I went over to his desk and looked around. I didn't see anything.

Had I left it in a classroom? I didn't think so.

I opened the top drawer to my dresser, which is where I kept all my private things. I had made it quite clear that Snow could never open it, and even if he tried, it wouldn't work for him. I cast a locking spell so only I could open it.

My book was not there.

I glanced over at Snow's dresser. He had never really told me not to look through his things. I just knew not to. But if my book was in there, maybe I had a pass to open it up and look for it.

I opened up the top drawer.

There was only one thing in the drawer: a book. It wasn't mine, though.

I took it out anyway. If he had taken my book, I had the right to take his, right?

I looked at the title. 'Vampires, Werewolves, and Other Terrible Monsters.' I sighed. This book was obviously meant for me.

I opened it up to the part on vampires, which Snow had marked with a necklace instead of a bookmark, which bothered me quite a bit.

Vampires: How to kill one

One way to kill a vampire is by using fire. One must be extremely careful while doing this because of a vampire's fangs and instincts.

An easier and safer way to kill a vampire is by using the Switching Stone. It has the power to move a vampire to hell, where it belongs. It went on to the next page.

I blinked. The Switching Stone? I hadn't heard of that before.

I looked at the necklace that marked the page and my heart stopped to the floor.

The necklace had a blue rock in it. It had to be the stone I had just read about. Snow was trying to kill me. I stared at it, not quite believing it.

I wasn't sure which was worse, the fact that I had a huge crush on him (Yes, I hid a dead frog in my crush's bed. Is that not what you do?) while he wanted to kill me, or the fact that he was definitely going to kill me.

The door opened. It was Snow.  "Hi, Baz. I borrowed your book because-" He dropped everything when he saw me. "Baz, put that down."

"You were trying to kill me?"

"No, please, put down the book and I can explain. I swear it isn't what it looks like."

"You have the stone, Snow! And right here it says it kills vampires! I know what you were trying to-"

"How far did you read?"

"Far enough!"

"Did you turn the page?"

"I was a little bit more worried about the stone that will kill me, Snow! Not what happens next in this dumb book!"

"Give it to me."

"No! You'll kill me!"

He lunged for it and pulled on it. I refused to let go, though. I yanked it towards me, making the stone swing back and forth. I yelped and let go of it.

Snow opened it up. "I'm going to read the next page to you, okay?"

"How will I know you aren't lying?"

"I'm going to let you read it after I do."

I bit my lip. "Fine."

"'The Switching Stone will not always kill the vampire, however. Sometimes it can switch it back to human form, hence the name "The Switching Stone". No one is sure why it only switches some vampires back.' And that's the end of what you need to hear. I was trying to figure out why it kills some vampires and turns others human again."

"Give me the book." I said.

He did so, though he took out the necklace. I read what he had just spoken and tossed the book aside. "Give it to me." I gestured to the stone.

"No, not yet." He put it on his desk. "I have to make sure it wouldn't kill you."

I tried to push past him but he put out his arms to block the way. "This could kill you, Baz."

"I know that." I reached for it, my finger was only a couple inches away.

Snow pushed me even farther from it. "Baz, stop it!"

I whimpered. "I want to be human so badly..."

"I know, but you can't touch it yet. You could end up dead."

I sighed and pretended to give up. He relaxed and stepped away from me. Then I suddenly pushed forward and touched the stone.

I immediately fell to my knees. I was vaguely aware of Snow screaming, though I couldn't tell what he was saying. Tears fell down my cheeks. My whole body hurt.

Then everything went black.


I woke up hearing sobs. I was laying in my bed- or at least I think it was mine- and someone had their fists and head on my chest. They cried into my shirt.

My eyes fluttered opened. My mouth was sore. Why was my mouth sore? I looked down at the person crying over me. It was Snow. I blinked. Why was he crying over me?

Then it all came flooding back to me.

I had touched the stone and Snow must've thought I was dead.

"Hey. Snow. It's alright. I'm okay."

He looked up at me, his eyes red and puffy. "Y-You're alive?"

"Well obviously. How else would I be talking to you?"

He laughed and practically tackled me in a hug.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm great. I know."

He was still crying, but I think it was tears of joy. Or at least that's what I hoped.

"I thought you were dead!"

"Didn't you check my pulse? I'm human now, I should have one."

"I did check your pulse, as soon as you fell!"

"Maybe I wasn't fully human yet."

"Well I didn't know that! You scared me!"

I smiled. "By the way, you might want to be careful getting into your bed tonight."

"Why?" He frowned.

"Because there may or may not be a dead frog in it."


Okay now it'll be like five more months before I update this. I get almost no ideas for snowbaz.

Word count (did I do a word count on the others?): 1146 words

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