Up All Night

775 27 6

Baz's POV (Wow i still don't have a Simon's POV chapter...)

It was midnight, and I was still waiting for Simon to fall asleep before I went hunting. This whole I'm-going-to-prove-you're-a-vampire thing was getting out of hand. He was going to starve me before he got something done.

He sat up and sighed. He looked over at me like, Really, Baz? Can't you just admit you're a vampire? I pretended to be asleep, hoping it would convince him that he could sleep as well.

Of course not.

"Baz? Baz, are you awake?"

I acted like he woke me up, groaning and complaining. "What do you want, Snow? It's the middle of the night."

"Did I wake you up or were you already awake?"

"I was sleeping, Snow. Like most normal people do. Why don't you try it?"

"Sorry. Baz, what happened to my necklace?"


"The necklace. The one with the cross that keeps monsters away. You know, one time someone asked you if I was religious or if I just liked the symbol?"

So that's why he wouldn't sleep tonight. He thought that without his necklace I'd hurt him.

"Why do you need it?"

"I lost it and it's freaking me out."

"Snow, go to sleep. I'll help you look in the morning."


"Shh. Go to sleep."

I laid back down and waited for him to fall asleep. Instead, about five minutes later, he whispered, "Baz, I really want my necklace."

I groaned. "Fine. Whatever. I'll help you look. Then will you go to sleep?"

Simon nodded. I sat up and looked around. "Did you put it in a coat pocket?"

"No. I've already checked there."

"Did you drop it somewhere?"

"I think so."

"Do you have any idea where?"


I raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe the Catacombs?"

I groaned again. "While you were following me yesterday?"

He smiled sheepishly. "Maybe."

I sighed. "How about we go together? You'll get lost if you go alone."

He nodded enthusiastically.

I stood up and started the make my way to the Catacombs with Snow following close behind me. Any time there was a sound other than our feet he would gasp and press against me, like I could protect him from the monster he imagined the sound was.

At one point, he started to fall behind so I took his hand in order to keep him from slowing down too much.

The whole time I looked around for something shiny on the ground. We had been searching for about an hour when I finally saw something. I knelt down and looked at it closer. It was his necklace.

"Here it is." I said. He sighed in relief and felt around for it. I guided his hands toward it (since it would hurt me if I picked it up), and finally he felt it and picked it up.

"Thanks, Baz."

"No problem. Can you go to sleep now?"

"Yeah. I think so."

I led him to the stairs up, and sent him back to our room. Then I planned to hunt. But before I could leave again, he stopped me. "Wait... Baz, I want to make sure you know I don't need this because I'm scared you'll hurt me."

I raised an eyebrow. "Why do you need it then?"

"Well, you sleep with the window open because you like to be cold, which, by the way, I'll never understand, and I don't know what creatures have the ability to get in so..."

"Are you telling me I could have avoided all of this by closing the window?"

"Well if you like to be cold then I won't stop you but I like knowing I have this to help protect me, and you're a vampire so they wouldn't even try to hurt you."

I chuckled. "Yeah. I guess I can understand that. Goodnight Simon."

"Goodnight Baz."


I made this up like two seconds ago because I needed to update.

Word count: 666 (I edited the Author's Note a bit so it could be exact.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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