Chapter 6: Memories

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Damien's POV

While, Julius takes a surprisingly long shower I start to wonder around his room. I look around and see he still has his usual decor. The long blue and gold curtains on and around his bed. Also pretty much everywhere it's the same royal blue and gold. Except some things. Like his bookshelf is worn form so much usage you can even see which books he pulls out the most from there. I look at the most worn out beaten book. No title. I open it to see it's a photo album. I see many of our cherished memories open before me. I see us when we first met at Reydux. Our first class together was Simple Spells. A beginners class. But he blazed straight through that class and went to Advanced Battle Tactics. Left me behind but he had a mandatory class. Beginners Creature Identification class. It was just looking at pictures of magical beasts and learning what's their use and what's dangerous about them. I close the album and look around more. I began to rummage through the nightstand and found, a picture of him and Connor Prideman. Wrapped in each other's arms smiling at each other. I look at the back and the date was, LAST SCHOOL YEAR! "I don't remember this!" I whisper frustratedly investigating the picture more to see if it will give me more answers. I put it back in the nightstand exactly where it was and continue to rummage around to look for answers. I give up. I plop myself on his bed and stare. I stare up at the enchanted night sky on the ceiling of his bed. It feels like a forest. I see the silver moon the bright stars. It's beautiful I look around and notice the entire bed is portrayed this way. A forest clearing. It's beautiful. I get off the bed and look around more. I go back to the book shelf and look at all the titles on the spine of the books there's Book of Monsters, Beasts, and Everything In between, A few romantic novels, more photo albums with family or friends. But nothing that peaks my interest until I see it. A photo album titled: The Prideman Family. I quickly grab it and hungrily flip through it looking for answers as I flip through it I see many pictures of him and the Prideman 'Star Child' he was in every picture! I keep flipping through and then I see something that tears me apart. A picture titled 'My First Kiss!' The date read 7/21/15, his birthday. I wasn't there for his birthday that year because my father took me dragon hunting in Africa for that entire month. I try to not think about it and to think of the bright side of things. At least he won't be here this year! Right? I hope not. I look around quickly to see if I'm being watched. I'm not. So I try and mentally scream to see if Julius is telepathically connected to me. And when I do I hear a thud in the bathroom. I want to look over to see if he's alright. But I can't. I don't think I can muster up the will to move. But I do. I move the bed and throw myself face first on it and scream for awhile. And then I just lay there. I then hear him emerge from the bathroom. I turn my head to look and see steam coming from inside. And fully dressed in his pjs he walks out. In what looks like a jester costume. I love him.

Julius' POV

As I showered I remember all the good times I've had at Reydux and how this school is actually a downgrade from it. Reydux was an enormous castle in the Amazonian rain forest. In a small clearing you would draw the school's coat of arms and it would teleport you there and it was grand, regal even! I remember strolling through the halls of Reydux my first day and having a following of lost students follow me because we had they had the same class as me. I see myself in my first Potions Class on my 5th year. I remember the first time in dueling class when someone challenged me to a duel. I was in the back of the class I was reading my book of potions recipes so I wouldn't fail the final exam in my Potions Class. Then I hear someone call my name. "Hey Grater! I challenge you to a duel!" I look up from my book and stand I walk nervously to the stage that is in the middle of the classroom. I step up on the stage and come face to face with this year's dueling champions. Petra and Sebastian Love. Twins I was alone and needed a partner I knew no one in my class. Mainly because I didn't come to class very often. I knew all the Spells just not how to use them at that time. I look at the crowd developing below us and hope that someone volunteers to be my partner but no one did. "Alright if no one volunteers to be his partner we will commence no-" "I'll do it!" I see a hand pop up in the front of the class coming in from the back of the crowd walking forward.
"Sorry I'm late Mr. Bellum but I was held up in my Potions Exam."
"You're excused if you win Mr. Prideman!" the teacher walked off to his desk pulling out a clipboard ready to record the duel.
"You ready." He said to me worriedly.
"No." I say trying to remember the spells I needed for this duel as he tries to fit in something else he was cut off by the teacher. "Sit non casualitatibus in bello campo!" That was our cue to begin.
"IGNIS FLATU" Sebastian yelled punching his hand forward and sending an enormous ball of fire towards us.
"Vicissim ignem bullae!" I said reaching my hands out and closing my eyes preparing for impact. As I open them I see that I turned the flames into bubbles!
"Descendit pluvia, stellas!" Petra spoke raising her hand then letting it fall pointing at us. I look up and see many balls of light come down towards us.
"Ut sidera iam non habent lumen!" Connor said lifting his hand up. The balls of light which were falling towards us began to dissipate in the air.
I was ready for an attack but not sure what to do.
Connor yelled out "Nunc religare cum aqua!" Reaching his hand out and pulling it up into a fist. I look towards the other side of the stage and see that Sebastian and Petra are trapped in ice. I should make my move now.
I reached out my hand and yelled "Zeus' fulgur pluvia super inimicos meos!" A massive thunderbolt fell upon them knocking them out. I was expecting a more spectacular battle but this was anti-climactic.
I turn off the shower and grab my wand. "Sicca corpus meum." I said as I dragged the wand up and down my body drying it off in the process. I look at my new pajamas my mother bought me. It looked like a jester costume. I pick it up and examine it. The night cap is a little jesters hat on a hair band which has little flashing light on it. I put it aside deciding to put it on last. I look at the slippers which are also little jester shoes. I look at the card she left me.

"For the little jester of my life who provided me many laughs and tears
       Love Mom xoxo"

I smile a bit but then realized Damien is still out in my bedroom. I slip on my underwear and put on my pjs I try to put on the slippers but fall in the process. I grab the little hair and and put it on. I grab my wand and put it in my pocket and open the door.

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