Chapter 4: Waldo Hephes

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Julius' POV

After the whole oobeing fiasco. I decided to investigate a little further on the demonic user. Though I may have to be in two places at once in order to keep up with my studies. So I decided to call a little help from a family friend, Waldo. He is a wands craftsman and has been doing so for the last 450 years since his father passed the craftsman title to him. The purpose for him helping us is to craft me a wand something that is an extension of my being and to magnify my powers as all wands do so I can create a holo-clone of myself so I can be in multiple places at once. Because I am not really strong enough to do so without the wand.
"So you want a wand ehh?" Waldo said in a long trench coat in an alley way.
"Yes very much so Waldo." I said with a smirk on my face.
"Now careful now you don't want anyone listening in on this, it is illegal to sell these things to a minor." He said backing up.
"But you've done this so many times" I say approaching him.
"You've sold to a minor before and that didn't end well did it?" I said poking his fat plump stomach.
"Opening up scars now huh? Just like your mother." He said shaking his head.
"How do you want it do you want it disguised or what?" He said opening up his trench coat about to reveal the blocks of wood and metal until I closed the coat back up. And slammed him against the wall, myself wincing in pain in the process.
"Are you fucking mad?" I whispered to him. "Put up an invisibility spell around us no one can know about this!"
"Ah! yes!" He said pulling out his wand it seemed quite long and smooth made of a light colored wood possibly birch and some silver and leather around the handle for a pleasant grasp upon it. He pointed the street side and castes the spell "Absconde nos." A blast of light shot out of the end of the wand and created a barrier around the alley way completely hiding us. He opens his trench coat now and said "Let's take a look shall we." Extending his hand towards me I see there is nothing in the coat but then I feel him tug my hand and he pulled me inside his coat. It seemed to be a massive tent! I see all types a wooden blocks and many jars in the back of the tent holding many pieces and remains from many magical beasts and creatures which are used for the wands as I look around I see many trees which are growing inside the tent keeping it pitched. At the top of the tree I see the leaves each of them appear to be of a different metal I see much gold, silver, bronze and copper even some platinum!
"I remember that face like it was yesterday." Waldo said with a great big grin on his face leaning on a table.
"You made that face the first time you came in here for when your father was repairing his wand. It never gets old." He said looking around.
"I think I have one for you." He said looking around various isles to see if he can find it.
"Eureka!" He exclaimed excitedly as he comes from the back of the tent. "You see a wand is created with different pieces of a magical beast or creature." He says while unboxing the wand. "To have a wand which will be the extension of ones being is tricky for you have to see which part is the most prominent in the witch or wizard. And the parts is as follows." "Mind, body, heart and spirit" I cut in. "Precisely Mr.Grater! But for you it was difficult you have an enormous heart like your mother very forgiving and loving. But then again. You do have the greatest of minds in your generation able to do various things even a most experienced wizard or sorcerer such as myself aren't able to do. Your spirit one of a kind! You never seem to give up hope in those which others call hopeless! And you come from one of the most well decorated war veteran families I have ever known! It was extremely difficult to choose which creature and what part to choose for you. So..." he said now out of breath. "I went to Asia." I lifted my eyebrow for I do not know where this is going. "I asked a great noble dragon with traits of your kind to lend me his entire being." I stood shocked. "But..."
"There is nothing else but the plume of a thunderbird to match the core for a wand of your caliber." He said cutting me off.
"Why not the plume?" I said curiously. "The last time someone of your blood, your family..." he stands staring at the floor.
"Not many good things happened." I remember my ancestor ,Bellera Blood, who enslaved the Dormdraki Islands to worship her as a goddess among them her daughter Esteria Galora, defeated her in a battle which ended many lives including both of them. "I'll take it then." I said guiltily. "I'm sorry, but you know your mother still has that wand you could just-" "NO!" I cut him off. "That wand is stained with the blood of many of the innocent and partook in one of the most hideous rituals in all magical history!" "If it's passed down to me I will destroy it." I said turning to the wood section. "Now for the wood." I say continuing on my wand shopping. "I believe that is a no-brainer" he said walking to a light colored wood. "It's called Laurel. It's the most noble of the woods I have here and one that will suit someone of your standards quite nicely." I look at the block of wood skeptically. "Do you really think so?" "Someone of your status should have one." He insisted. "Fine. I'll take it." I smiled at him. He took the block and the jar of dragon essence and walked to the back of the tent. He opened the jar and put his wand over the material and spoke "Obligare haec duo in vinculo indissolubili et in extensio eius quod ego loquar tibi a virga" I watched as the wood split in half and saw how the dragon essence majestically flew into the middle of the two pieces of wood. Once in the wood snapped together and created a, block of wood again. "Pick it up!" he said eagerly.
"But why doesn't it look like your's?" "Just pick it up!" He insisted.
"Fine" I said picking up the wood.
"YAY! I got a chunk of wood!" I replied sarcastically.
"Watch." He said pointing attention at my wand.
And I did so and then noticed the wood whittling itself away! I see the tip of it began to form and notice it going all the way down to the handle. Little rose vines begin to carve themselves into the wand. I notice that the handle begins to appear like a plain handle but as a peer closer designs begin to etch themselves into it as well revealing a small raven a turtle and at the lower part a lion. And then finally at the other end of the handle a beautiful rose blossoms out of the same wood and in the center a little piece of Ruby forms! "This is amazing!" I shrieked. "Absolutely stunning!" "Beautiful I can't explain how-" "It's just what you are it the extension of your being remember? This is what you see as beauty." He cuts in. I'm left speechless holding my wand. I reach into my pocket and hold out a small bag of money. "That's $7,500 as promised." He opens the bag and reaches in and counts out the money and hands me some back. "It's always a pleasure to be with anyone of your family" he hands me the money. "Take it you're the one who once told me that 'money is for the needy not the greedy'" I take the money and pocket it. "I'll give it to your brother on my way home I know he really needs it."  I say knowing he can't bear to see his brother suffering and to proud to ask for help from his family. "Like I said big heart." He said wiping a tear. "You better get going it'll be morning soon." He said handing me a mirror. "Remember to envision the place you want to go to then smash it on the floor once you see it in the mirror." I nod in understanding. As I picture my home with Damien waiting for me by my bed.

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