Chapter 25: Julius and Caesar

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Julius' POV

  In my early years I have gone on numerous adventures, one of which was the meeting of Caesar an old friend of mine about 3,036 years old by now I found him while exploring a restricted realm I discovered in Northern Italy or South of the Alps. A very beautiful place full of lush vineyards, beautiful fields, and high mountains. Forests which hug each mountain at the bottom and the fresh wind which blows through your hair quite gently.
   A place where you wouldn't expect the most "violent" of dragons to live, but I only see it as the place where the most wisest of dragons live. Everybody gives credit towards the Asian Jade being the "Wisest" but it has telepathic abilities and the ability to have quick visions of the future. But I say differently.
   I walk up the mountain which he calls home, alongside a strong centaur chief we walk in silence him I assume not wanting to speak and me to scared to speak to him.
   We reach a foul smelling cave which reeks of rotting flesh, dragon dun, and what I assume is dragon eggshells. It has a unique odor. It smells of vomit, mold, and fecal matter.
"CAESAR!" I yelled into the rotting cave. The echoes are my only reply.
"CAESAR! COME HERE!" I yell sternly into the what seems to be empty cave. I hear groans and churning.
I walk in.
   I continue in my way using my wand as a source of light. The centaur left me, I believe to die.
   I trudge through the dark cave, damp wet pools of dragon drool and what I hope is just animal blood.
"Caesar?" I trudge even further the chilling breeze gushes through the cave.
"Caesar this isn't funny!" I yell into the dark abyss before I fall down a slippery slide stumbling into an open cavern, several blue wisps of flame illuminate the room.
"Why do you only come here when you are scared? This is not a place for cowards." The great silver scaled armor clad dragon speaks.
"Yet you choose to hide when our world needs you most?" I snap at him.
"We do not cower and we also do not fight battles which we will lose." Another dragon head slithers into view.
"I don't want to be that guy but..." I begin. "There is a 78% chance of us winning with you by our side."
They give me a look of disbelief. Several more heads creep in, seven in total. I make a mental tally of all their names. Caesar, Midas, Avila, Livius, Saffer, Anaharath, & Elinor. All of them here. They all murmur in Runic to try and carry out a conversation without me listening. But I know fully well what they are saying.
"Dark days and blood soaked horizons, I'm not willing to lay my life for the struggles of a human!" Says Elinor.
"I will swallow entire armies and drink their blood as if it were the richest wine!" Says Anaharath. "The riches we can secure from the humans will be immense! I say we fight and get paid in the process!" Says Midas. "I would like to see the dragons they're packing on the enemy side." Says Avila. Livius and Saffer stay quiet for now. Caesar however stands tall and firm and with a mighty voice utters a spell in runic. "Ish vel-var iquininat guwa vinc qua domin nor vit." All seven dragons bow their heads and a sparkling gem falls off their horns which lay on their foreheads.
"What is this?" I ask holding a rainbow of stones in both hands.
"Those are Promise Crystals they are to symbolize our promise to serve you." Caesar spoke with pride in his mighty voice.
"I've never heard of such a thing." I say suspiciously analyzing each gem.
"That is because you're the first to receive them." He says a stone begins to shimmer brightly with red radiating from it.
"Why hasn't anyone received one?" "Because no beast has ever trusted a man with their life like we trust you." It says all the heads retreating into the darkness the wisps of flames begin to circle me their speed increasing creating a vortex of blue fire.

Connor's POV

I walk around the tent pacing around anxiously as I try to think of where Julius could have gone. Lauren and I have been trying our best to keep Evil at bay and keep order and peace here in the refugee camp. Many Mortic Soldiers have tried to infiltrate the camp but we've been able to stop them, with the help of Gaagi of course.
Gaagi has also told us to guard the South West wall for Ocurries; giant black lengthy creatures with many eye holes on their bodies, much like an argus but more slim and fast. A very intimidating foe to fight especially since it's skin is like reflective armor with many of our spells bouncing right off it. So we set up traps to make up for that fact and we only await Julius for him to help us with these predicaments seeing how our forces are becoming overwhelmed. Petra, Calypsa, and Damien are in the Infirmary after the fifteenth attack.
I look over to see our Dueling teacher Mr. Bellum walking in with a huge gash across his chest as he lays on the table beginning to bleed out I rush over to aid him.
"Mr. Bellum! Are you ok!" I say reaching a first aid kit rummaging through to find the regeneration potion to apply to his wound. I only found one bottle with one drop left in it. I try and apply it but my shaking hands make the drop miss it's intended area. I drop the bottle which shatters upon impact of the floor. I begin to sob as I search for another remedy.
A vortex of blue flames swirl on the side of the room and eventually reveal a worn down and beaten Julius with gashes, bruises, & blood covering his weak body. He looks over and immediately pushes me aside and pick up several items from the kit. He begins to work on the body passing me a bottle of chloroform.
"Here he's squirming too much." I take the bottle and apply it to a dry clean piece of cloth and place it over Bellum's face.
"Where wer-"
"Not now." He says digging into the wound and pulling out a claw, placing it on a side table. He grabs a needle and string and begins to sew the wound closed. After it's shut he pulls out his wand and utters a few spells cleaning up the aged man.
"Sebastian?" He questioned the Teacher.
"Infirmary." Bellum says as he stands up pulling out his wand a large piece of oak with an eagle at the end of it's handle.
"I'll be off to fight if you need me I'll be at the East wall fending off against Mortic Soldiers." He says as he runs out the tent.
Julius embraces me, tears running down his face.
"I'm glad you're safe." He cries on me.
"Why'd you leave then?" I Hugh him back.
"I had too we needed help and that's what I got us." He said finally looking up.
"Who?" I asked knowing that the majority of the realms have been invaded.
"The Dragons in Italy." He says finally freeing me from his grasp and standing firm.
"Are you hurt?! Are you ok?!" I say examining the already battle worn Julius.
"I'm fine but I have to go take care of the injured." He says shaking me off of him grabbing the medicine trunk and heading towards the infirmary. I quickly follow as I hear an explosion out where Julius was heading.

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