Chapter 26: The Battle of Lake Blackwater

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Julius' POV

  I was blasted back by an explosion and caught by Connor who followed behind me. It happened when Gaagi used a corporal fire demon counter curse. The fire demon was heading to the infirmary but it is safe now since it exploded. I use a quick water charm which was in my pocket or put out the small embers which surrounded us and I go tend to the injured while Connor goes back to guard the walls.

Damien's POV

  I am honestly relieved that Julius came back and isn't as hurt as we thought he would be.
"Ok this will burn a bit when I apply it but it will make your wound heal up in seconds." He says as he applies a lotion on to my leg which was nearly severed. I passed out plenty of times but the nurses were able to keep me alive until now.
   He applies the lotion and I scream in the agonizing pain I feel. He reaches over for some chloroform and puts the rag on my face I pass out quickly after.
   I awake to find my leg in perfect condition and in a tent with many of the injured and sick people in the infirmary appearing to be asleep but are probably knocked out by the chloroform Julius has been using. I see that Petra has her arm reattached from when an Occury tore it from her shoulder. I see that Calypsa recovered perfectly from the burns she suffered facing a fire demon. Everyone else is recovering as well some from severe burns, loss of limbs, curses, and puncture wounds. I believe we will get out of this as long as Julius stays.

Connor's POV

   I've been guarding the southern wall for more than six hours now and have seen many things while I was here decapitation, people burning, people shriveling like raisins, & people being split in half. It's been brutal but I soon see these people come back two hours later fighting twice as hard as they were before they dropped. At some point we were able to secure the southern wall which was the most brutal of walls in my opinion. But the western walls is almost as deadly as the south. With occuries which have skin that makes spells bounce off of it, it's not a place one would like to be at. I leave my post and leave another in charge, and look for Julius in the infirmary tents but to no avail. I've received news that Julius took a squad of people to fight at the western wall; Sebastian, Calypsa, Petra,  Lauren and Damien. They all went to the wall to face the danger there. I rushed as fast as I could through the camp and found many bodies on the ground. Black crystalline bodies with sharp claws, broken jaws, and eye sockets everywhere. An Occury. I pullout my wand and get ready to fight but as I look up I see a corpse fall down towards me and I leap out of the way. I look towards the wall to see where it came from and it's Sebastian wielding a great glimmering war hammer smashing the occuries and knocking them off the wall. Calypsa wields a sword, Petra a bow and arrow, Damien a spear, Lauren a battle axe but not as big as the one I see Julius wielding. I see him just chuck the thing and cut straight through three occuries! And bring the thing back to him before it hits anyone else! I then see him use it as a catapult to launch the others over the wall to the middle of the hoard of occuries! I run up towards where Julius is and catch him right before he jumps down the wall.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I scream out in a panic.
"If you must know when occuries find something that threatens their existence they stay away from it." He says walking to the side and digging into a bag.
"Here." He says passing me a sword.
"This was your father's sword." He said passing it to me and bowing on one knee. I lift him up and take the sword from him.
"Don't forget what he told you!" I growl at him observing the clean blade.
"You bow to nobody."

Sebastian's POV

   Julius launched us into the middle of a giant cluster fuck of occuries and we just keep slaughtering the beasts they don't want to stop until finally Connor drops in brings us all to him and casts a shield enchantment. The occuries tried breaking in but slip off the giant bubble. I soon hear a strange enchantation and see all the occuries drop to the ground after a giant flash of light. Julius then dropping to the ground wielding his battle axe smashes the magic bubble and sends magic shards everywhere oddly enough puncturing the occuries.
"Connor!" Julius yells out. "Do it."
   Connor then raises his sword to the sky a giant bolt of lightning struck it and with a brief enchantation by Julius and a swing of the axe he shattered the sword and sent the shards flying straight into every beast shocking them and making them all drop dead. He looked into te Forest and began to speak.
"This is what we are capable of! If you try to hurt us all you will meet is death! We have found your weakness stay away or face your extinction! We will not look for you so long as you leave us in peace!" I look over to the forest and see many eyes peering through the darkness ten maybe fifty disappeared at a time.
"I good for dinner what about you guys?" Julius says wiping his hands on his robes. We all look at him with strange faces except for Lauren and Connor who burst out laughing and run to embrace him. He soon lets out a loud crackle and snorts as he laughs hysterically at their response. He stops mid-laugh and looks up at the wall. A serious Gaagi looks down at us. It's as if Julius knew what he wanted to say and nods he then breaks loose of both their grips and warps away leaving us there on our own. He comes back chuckling a bit.
"Sorry I forgot you guys!" He laughs a bit more until coming to a fully serious face. "We need to go get Eliot." He says we look at each other completely in shock. We completely forgot Eliot!
"Petra, Damien, and Lauren you stay here to take care of te camp with Gaagi and Bellum, we will go and bring Eliot back." He says making Connor, Sebastian, and Calypsa hold each other's hands and they were off every single one of them gone but to who knows where.

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