Chapter 20: Summer Break

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Calypsa's POV

After a year of classes, exams and teen drama as well as the slow disappearances of the student body we got the break we finally deserve THREE WHOLE MONTHS to ourselves I along with many of my fellow classmates decided to stay not because we wanted to go missing as well but because we wanted to enjoy the beach!
   I know that Connor is going to throw a HUGE party at the beach house for Julius' 18th birthday. And I am honestly so excited to be there! I even heard he's inviting the mermaids to party with us along with some water nymphs and it'll be such a great time!

Damien's POV

"I've been hearing these rumors going around since you... you know graduated early at the top of your class and all..." I say as my head rests on Julius' lap, him stroking my hair as I empty my thoughts.
"Yes?" He asks calmly.
"People are saying that you're gonna be the new Potions Teacher since there's an opening and all..."
"Well that's not true, I am going into the Potions department but I'm not going to be the potions teacher." He states as if I already knew. I sit up quickly shocked by the news.
"What class are you gonna teach!" I asked excitedly ready for an answer.
"Advanced Alchemy." he says and pours himself some more tea in a crystal tea cup gold around the rim and also covering the handle. He takes a nice clean sip from the cup and places it neatly back in its place and turns to me.
"I will not however go easy on you if that is what you are thinking." He says signaling for a pile of books to be brought to him. The books float over and land neatly by his side.
"Now of you excuse me I intend to finish my lesson plans early so I can have the rest of the summer off." He stands and walks away the books following closely behind him.
   I lie down and enjoy my summer by basking in the suns warm rays. I take off my shirt and let the sun's rays kiss my light toned body.

Eliot's POV

   I sit inside and watch my egg wiggle in the neat Calypsa made fashioned for it. Julius made me tea and some delightful pastries so I won't get thirsty nor hungry. Damien taught me a 'Sun Kiss' spell which will create a small ball of light that will warm an object or shine a light upon it. So I used it on the egg to help keep it warm. I made friends with Sebastian and Petra Love they're really nice once you get through their hard covers. They were actually my tutors for Dueling club and actually were the ones who got me as good as I am now. We now spend a lot of time together here at the Prideman Beach house since their hotel was almost burned down during Winter Break. Connor fashioned a walk in closet to actually become like another room.  So now more people can stay here. Sebastian stayed with Victor and Petra stayed with Calypsa and Skylar. And Lauren who was staying with them also joined us but she decided to move in with Julius and Connor since she's more comfortable with them. Julius couldn't say no to her. That is until the end of the year when they were both offered teaching jobs at the school they both agreed since they both tied at the top of their class and they both graduated early she got her own place in town so now she's staying at a place on Lucid Street. We've seen her around when we head into town for grocery shopping or going to see Master Devis for purposes only Julius knows. She sometimes sports an oversized shirt that reads 'Keeping it Real on Lucid Street!' some sunglasses and yoga pants. She has helped me in narrowing down what the egg is though she said that the egg has an 'avian shape' and is much too big for a phoenix and much too small for a thunder bird. So we went to the library and researched it we have it narrowed down to a griffin but we don't know from which area since they all look different and the books we looked at have the eggs all faded out and we can't make out the features.

Victor's POV

Father and I have secured many prisoners and are now working hand in hand with the new Master of Darkness. Master Devis however must be our next victim for he nearly catches us in the act of capturing our victims. But it will be very difficult capturing one of the most decorated sorcerers in the world. Father has divided an ambush plan for us to use I am currently clutching it close to me and intend to handing it over to Master Seria.

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