Chapter 30: A Rough Night

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Connor's POV

   I see Julius drop to his floor and begins to cry hysterically. And begins to absolutely lose it.
"Connor! Connor! Your mother! Your father!" He cries as e curls up in a ball.
"I... I don't want this! Connor take this from me please!" He says as he clutches his head and screams a blood curdling scream.
I see Eliot and Lauren drops down to help him. Each putting one hand on each shoulder. They reach out one hand towards me and we all join hands. Eliot begins to glow a bright crimson red. Lauren also begins to glow but she glows a brilliant violet. Meanwhile I, I begin to glow a lustrous gold. I look towards Julius and a flurry of colors begin to wrap around him, blue being the one most prominent. Eliot is the first to be enrolled in the blue light as he now begins to weep and I believe share his pain. Lauren is the next to fall to the blue, as she weeps almost as hard as Eliot but not as much as Julius. I then follow suit. I then receive the blue light everyone is so affected by. And I cry harder than anyone in the circle pain radiates through my body worse than anything I've ever felt. I see vision though blurry as though I'm looking through swollen eyes. I see my father burnt to a crisp. I see his body limp and lifeless. But there begins to be movement in his body and I begin to regain hope but when I see his face all was lost I did not recognize him. The once proud man of massive power, who once commanded legions of soldiers now. A shriveled carcass with empty eyes and fearful face. I see my mother losing her mind at the sheer image of him. She can't bare it. I can't describe the immense pain it gives me to see them like this. I have no words for it. I feel like I lost everyone. I fall to the ground unconscious of the pain I've suffered joined by Eliot who wasn't able to bare it either. Lauren is the last one who attempts to comfort Julius but soon falls as well in exhaustion from the pain.

Calypsa's POV

   Sebastian, Petra, and I stay with Gaagi and his friend Shappa Wolfe who needed help retrieving ingredients for a  special type of potion, Vitae Fatale, Living Death, a potion which can bring back the dead temporarily. We head out to the Obsidious Forest to find very rare potion ingredients such as Voreloche Root, Centaur Tail Hair, Fleur-Vist Nectar, and Occury Iris. A very dangerous mission which I believe Julius would freak out on Gaagi if he knew what we were doing. But he's off somewhere else doing who knows what.
"These Raven Mockers killing innocent children! Makes me sick to my stomach! At least have a bit of honor and fight a full grown adult!" Shappa rants on.
"Raven Mockers never did have honor. They're all witches and wizards who prey on the weak and the sick and take their lives for their own." Gaagi speaks.
"Children isn't new for disgraceful witches and wizards like them." He crouches down observing a piece of string which seems to be golden white in color.
"Centaur Hair?" Shappa asks.
"No." Gaagi said looking up.
"Occury cocoon sting." Shappa looks up towards where Gaagi set his state too.
   We see a glistening cocoon glistening in the single ray of light which barely manages to break through the dense leaves. It hangs there separate beams of webbing holding it up on the high branches. Gaagi got up and began advancing the other direction I followed suit and sprinted my way to him.
"Child if you always want to stay alive in life." He says looking down at me while he walks towards some unknown location.
"You have to remember to stay away from the things that can kill you." I nod in agreement.
"But don't take that as an excuse to not do anything in life just avoid the things that will definitely kill you." He corrects himself.
"What are we missing?" I say to him trying to remember what we're missing.
"Centaur Hair and Voreloche Root." Gaagi says holding to flasks with Occury Iris and Fleur-Vist Nectar.
"So how has Julius been to you all?" Gaagi asks.
"Well he's been... you know... around... sometimes." I respond.
"He loves you all dearly." He says pulling out his wand and putting the top to his lips. He takes a long drag of it and puffs out a wisp of smoke which then takes form of a deer, it runs and hops around with excitement and as fast as it formed it dissipated. I look in awe as my father would make little rabbits hop around my head when I was little.
"Has he mentioned his blood family?" He says taking another drag.
"No, not that I know of." I say watching the puff of smoke turn into a flock of birds flying away.
"He doesn't like to speak of them." He says coughing out a few puffs, which then take the form of fluttering butterflies.
"I've heard, and why is that?" I ask him.
"They disowned him as you've heard." He puts his wand away and pulls out a bag of assorted nuts and fruits.
"But the reason why they did so isn't completely true. Well that he knows of." He says looking towards me.
"Can I trust you?"
"I believe so." I say looking back at him.
"Good." He says looking around for the others.
"His parents feared for the safety of their other children since Julius had this special way with the dark arts." He says with a hush whisper.
"A what?" I say the disbelief.
"Julius is absolutely disgusted with the dark arts but is quite good at it."
"Why is he... never mind."
"Have you ever noticed how Lauren wears heavy make up?" He says.
"Yeah but I just thought..."
"She's been scared by a curse gone wrong." He says looking down at his feet.
"He was asleep when it happened of course which was why the ring ceremony was held as quickly as possible."
"It was great anyways." I commented.
"I enjoyed it as well." He said now hushing.
"I sleep in fear sometimes." Gaagi says.
"Why is that?"
"Julius only taps into his dark side while he sleeps." Gaagi responds.
"Countless nights I watch over him to make sure he had no outbursts. But I believe his new found love for people keep this darkness at bay." Gaagi stiffens his posture. He looks around his usually strong face becomes harder with frustration.
"I do not remember this."

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