Chapter 18: Students Going Missing

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Damien's POV

As we walk through the halls and converse with each other Julius begins to act a bit strange. He looks at me worriedly.
"There seems to be less people than usual." He looks around and sees many of that many of our classmates are not present.
I look around as well confused since I do not notice other people very often. We arrive at our forth period class. Study Hall. We open the doors to the massive library and begin to walk up the stairs towards Julius' office. We walk up the stairs and I begin to grow tired after the thirteenth floor. I look over to Julius to make sure he is ok. I then notice he's ahead of me! He made the stairs move him up. He shouts down to me. "Say Gradibus moventur me usque!" I look at him dumbfounded. "Gradibus moventur me usque." I mumble the stairs beginning to move me upwards.
We reach floor twenty one and walk over to room Seven B. We enter his office and open up our textbooks to study.
"Page 517." Julius says sitting down on the couch grabbing a copy of Wizarding Weekly and begins to read. Meanwhile the rest of us open our textbooks to page 517 in our Advanced Spells textbooks.
I begin reading the various spells and take notes in a separate book. In the corner of my eye I see Skylar stand up and walk over to Julius.
"Does this magazine have horoscopes? I'm a Leo." Julius gives her a confused and almost upset look. "Yes... here..." I hands her the magazine opening it to the page.
"You know that Zodiac signs and Astrology is a lie right?" He tells her concernedly.
"Avoid wearing the color white and..." she reads aloud.
"Hello?!" Julius snaps his fingers trying to get her attention. We all laugh at their exchange. We go back to studying. I become bored out of my mind. I walk over and look for Julius' little snacking boxes. I think he catches on because he just begins to stare me down. But he goes back to helping Connor with pronunciation a spell. I continue to look around as I do I notice a little box with a note tied to it by string. I read the note and realize it's for Skylar. I walk over too her and see she's been snacking on assorted nuts and fruits from one of Julius' snack boxes! I hand her the box and sit down again at my textbook and watch her open the box and pull out a key. She digs in the box and pulls out another note she reads it aloud.

  Dear Miss Seira,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been given an office on the seventy fifth floor of the Bochord Tower. You are room twelve. May you have a marvelous school year!
-if you are in any need of assistance for finding this place please ask Madame Liberia; the Librarian, she will assist you.

   How did she get an office for herself?! Connor didn't get one and he is royalty! Julius only got one because he's the child of TWO royal families! Though his family aren't the most beloved by both sides and being outcasted by them having no where to stay and having to build themselves up they are the most hard working people I know! And Julius BARELY got an office. Yet Skylar a new comer got an ENTIRE OFFICE to herself. I smell bullshit and it isn't anything in this room.

Eliot's POV

   Julius was very kind to offer to help me with studying. He said he'll prep me up for Dueling Class since I can't go willy nilly into a duel with no knowledge and win. So he paired me up with Calypsa and he and Connor paired together and tried to teach us as we went on with our duel. First Calypsa began lecturing me on proper wand posture and how to efficiently attack and defend myself.
"For the more quick and weaker attack spells just jab your wand forward and keep your legs spread apart and firm on the ground. To defend try holding it in a stance like this." She says holding her wand firmly in her hand against her at an angle pointing to the ceiling the other hand behind the other pushing it outwards. "Usually this helps keep up a defensive spell." "Buuttt..." she goes on. You can create a quick shield by quickly jabbing your wand forward. She demonstrates as Julius fires a fireball at her and she creates a gold light shield out of the tip of her wand as she blocks the attack jabbing it again to shoot a stream of red light at Julius. Julius blocks it by bending the stream away from him and back at her she goes and moves into her other stance and blocks it this time using a silvery white shield to block the attack.
  We go on for a while until the bell rings. Study Hall is over we go on to our next class.

Skylar's POV

  While everyone is observing the dueling demonstration set by Eliot and Julius. I manage to sneak out and go look for my office. I use the escalator spell Julius taught us on the way up to take me down but just change the wording slightly. "Descendibus moventur me usque." I go down to the librarian and ask her where I could find my office. I hand her my key and she looks at it. She looks up at me and takes my hand the next thing I know i see her burst into flames and turn into a massive dragon! With red scales and silver horns eyes of violet. I notice that we're moving upwards when I look down. I look up and see that she is climbing up the tower! She stops for a moment and crawls inside of a small space doing so making her form collapse and taking her previous form of a sweet elderly lady with silver hair and red blouse. She unlocks the door and walks down the stairs not speaking a word in the process. I walk in to find my old principal and Victor.
"Hello Miss Seira."

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