Chapter 1: A New School

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Julius' POV
"Julius Fides-Grater, come to the front office, Julius Fides-Grater come to the front office." A droning voice came from the speakers on the ceiling and walls of this drab new school. I didn't enjoy the choice my parents made. I could have gone to a school with my kind, MAGIC FOLK! Where I could be studying magic and being top of my class AGAIN for my abilities as a Blood Born Sorcerer. But my parents decided coming and learning about the non-magical kind is just as useful. Even though the non-magic people see us as Demonic and Sinful. I believe I can change their opinion if anyone knows anything about magic it would be me and we are just as normal as anyone else it is convincing them that's the hard part.
   Walking to the front office is dreadful there are absolutely no decorations on the wall except for the casual 'No Bullying' signs on the wall with wads of chewing gum stuck all over them. I sincerely wish they could have just kept this for my next year of school. I could have been chatting it up with Connor Prideman or Trevor Maris or maybe even Maria Silva I don't care just someone to keep me company and support me through this.
   As I reach the front office I notice someone through the window. "HOLY SHIT IS THAT!!! OH MY GOD!!! MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED A FRIEND!!!!" I burst through the door beaming with excitement. It's Damien Basils a friend of mine from Reydux my old school for wizarding people. "Sit down." The principal orders me. So I sit. "I called you in today because this student and you are of the same kind-" "WAIT!" I cut him off. And show him my hand and then compare it to his "No no no no." I begin "He's White and I'm Latino you got that wrong and furthermore-" "I mean of Magic Blood" he cut me off. I stare at him blankly. "Excuse me?!" I question irritatedly.
"You are wizards, something the majority of our world looks down upon." He continues.
"I'll have you know my parents paid good money to get me into this school, into these hideous school uniforms just so I could have equal opportunity in both my world and yours." I snap at him.
"And why not your brothers?" He questions.
"The older one was expelled for starting a rebellion in school and the other is too young for your world I start."
"To young?" He asked confused.
"Non-magical people are one of the most violent races of people on this world right after dwarves." I state plainly.
"Why I-"
"You people are missing something violence always comes from the lack of something... Dwarves are missing height all other races tower over them.
You people are missing reason, you kill each other in giant wars and many battles which have no reason behind them. And yet you call yourselves big and brave you lost hope when your leaders started hiding behind their desks and waiting for other people do their bidding. If we disgust you, you are the abomination of the human race."
I find myself on top of his desk and out of breath and slightly off topic. "What's happening again?" I ask lost in my thoughts. "You two are not allowed to be in any public event, sport or competition of any kind" the principal says while twiddling his pen in his hand. You will also be escorted everywhere be Victor Mortis he motions to the blonde boy in the clean and perfect uniform. The boy salutes him as if he were a soldier. "Why?" I ask confusedly. So you won't get into trouble of any kind. "WHY I OUGHT T-" "We'll be fine with these accommodations thank you Mr. Satan sir we'll have fun in your hell hole." Damien cuts me off and ushers me to the door. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Damien starts to scold me.
"Everything." I say as we begin to walk towards our new classes.
"Can I check you schedule please?" I ask as I take his schedule from his hands to compare it to mine.
He tries to think of something to say but just keeps walking silently.
"We have every class together" I say trying to figure out how the schedules work "I think..." as I flip them around
to see if there is anything more to these papers.

Damien's POV

So it's been at least an hour since we got here and we already have a babysitter. Well at least I'm here with Julius he'll keep things interesting in this place. And we reach our first class. Chemistry. "Do you think this is anything like Alchemy back at Reydux Damien" Julius says with the most hopeful eyes. "Because if it isn't I'm going to fail." As he opens the door and revealing a classroom full of beakers containing many different substances on lab tables. "I think this is like Potions Class." I whisper over to Julius. "Well I'll try to get us that A then." He whispered excitedly. "Basils sits at the front and Fides-Grater in the middle." The teacher announced as she darted her eyes at us. Victor began walking us to our lab tables. Then walked to the back and sat down. We will begin this class with a pre-test to see what knowledge you have of the material here. As there was stacks of paper being passed around the class. "It is simply 55 short response questions 78 true or false and finally 95 multiple choice."she stated as she began turning an egg timer. "Begin" she stated as she placed down the timer if beginning to tick rapidly. I look at the test packet begin to lose my place for I do not even know where to start. And then I see a little paper bird fly next to me and land on the corner of my paper a little raven so beautiful as it began to fold itself into a new form a little rose and as I looked at it more it began to blossom and it opened as it read 'Good luck Partner' with a little cheeky smile drawn onto it. I begin to smile for I knew it was Julius who sent it to me. When I look up I see Victor filled with rage as he grabs the paper and burns it with one of the burners. I look below and see a beaten and bleeding Julius in his hand. "This is a test cheating is not permitted." He said as he drags Julius away. I don't think I like this school.

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