pew pew

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Nice, lovely, sunny day no cloud in sight.

Everyone in Sabertooth were calm and rela-

"What do you mean his missing!?" yelled two terrified parents.

No one could tell who was freaking out the most out of the two dragon slayers.

Rogue looked like he was about to murder someone as Sting had to hold him back with tears of his own threating to fall.

They'd just being informed that Akatsuki was nowhere to be seen and they, being Yukino and Minerva, had gone looking for him.

The young boy was now in his teen years, being the age of fourteen, he hadn't inherited any magic and took it upon himself to learn how to cast spells from a spellbook he'd found at the Library.

He was always telling people that he could take care of himself but he still told them when he was going somewhere so for him to just go missing was freaking out his parents.

The guild was just hoping Rogue didn't take his panic out on any of them and were thankful Sting was there to calm him down although their master was crying trying his hardest not to freak out.

Akatsuki's PoV:

"sooo" I drawled and looked at the Dragneel siblings that had dragged me along with them on their mission when I accidentally bumped into them "why exactly am I here?"

I hadn't had any time to contact my father and dad since the Dragneel's didn't give me any time to do so which made me feel uneasy, it wouldn't surprise me if they either freaked out, passed out or came looking for me thinking I was kidnapped or something.

"well!" Luna said rather loudly and added "we never get to chill with you soooooo!"

"We're taking you out!" finished her younger brother Nash.

"Just us?" I ask and add on "I'm surprised I don't see either Storm or Sylvia."

Both Dragneel's blushed at the mention of the Fullbuster siblings, they do have a younger sister Rain but she was far to young and from what I've heard Juvia-san doesn't let her out of her sight.

"Oh and Rin Rin" I added quickly forgetting about the twin brother of Sylvia.

"well we're going for ice cream and that's where we'll be meeting them."  Luna told me.

At that I turned around and started to walk off "whelp I'll be going then, you said this was a job not a get together, besides I better go before father decides to wreak the whole town because I'm missing."

"uh which ones father again?" I heard Nash ask.

"Rogue is father and Sting his dad." Luna answered.

I used one of my transportation spells, muttering the words under my breath, and vanished before they could stop me from doing so.

I landed at the front of Sabertooth. Sighing I opened the door with wide eyes at the sight in front of me.

Third person PoV

Sting was crying hysterically as Rogue glared at  everyone promising a silent death with no one knew where his son was and if someone dared touch Sting before pulling the blond into a hug, hiding him in his cloak.

Rogue was about to shout at someone before the guilds doors opened with a brunette standing their wide eyed "uh father? your not going to kill me are you?" he asks loud and clear.

At the sound of his sons voice Sting got out of Rogues embrace and ran up to Akatsuki pulling him into a tight hug "holy shit your alive!"

Rogue calmed down and everyone went back to drinking and what not as Akatsuki told his dad, father, aunt Yukino and Minerva about where he was.

I updated cause I was bored XD  

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