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The Eucliffe trio, as Sting likes to call them, got ready for the day. Akatsuki seemed to be more excited then Rogue and Sting combined.

He was beaming with delight i the same way Sting was the night before. Akatsuki was thrilled to finally have a sibling, he never spoke of this desire to his parents though.

Never once mentioned it too anyone. He was always jealous of the Dragneel's and Fullbuster's for having siblings.

When his dads came home last night they'd told him the news, that and that he'll be meeting someone named Meg around lunch at the guild.

"Now, we're not adopting an animals you two, she's going to be a human being so please for the love of me don't walk in here as if you looking for a pet." Rogue spoke as he held hands with Sting.

"Don't worry father, we won't, right dad?" Akatsuki questioned looking up at the blond who only nodded back and ran into the building dragging the other two along.

The woman at the front desk took them out back and allowed them to play with the kids to see who they would like to adopt as she got the papers ready.

Akatsuki had immediately taken a liking too a small blond girl who looked as if she was ten. Her blue eyes were the same shade as his fathers, "hello, I'm Akatsuki, what's your name?" He asked softly sitting next to the girl.

She was quiet and didn't seem to like it here as she watched the other kids play, "Lilly." She looked up at him for a moment before looking over at his parents.

"Are they going to adopt someone today?" She asked, not asking if they would adopt her since no one ever wanted to adopt her so she stopped trying to please those who walk through that door.

Akatsuki caught onto the unsaid words but nodded, "yeah..." he trailed off and stood up holding his hand out smiling, "come on, I'll introduce you too them."

Lilly was hesitant as she grabbed his hand, already trusting the male as he took her over to the other makes that looked over staring with awe at the sight, already deciding who they wanted to adopt.

"Dad, father, this is Lilly." Akatsuki introduced as the girl hid behind him smiling shyly, "if I can have a say in this, I'd like her to be my sister." He was straightforward which took the three by surprise.

Lilly clutched onto Akatsuki's leg wanting to tell him that no one ever adopted her sorely because she was odd, but he'd merely picked her up and smiled as Sting and Rogue walked off to fill out the papers hand in hand.

"Guess what Lilly." He said and started walking following his parents, "from today onward I'm your big brother." He watched her look up to him and felt his heart warm as she smiled.

"R-really!?" Her eyes lit up and she looked even more like hi– no their dad, as she smiled happily, "I'm going to have a family?" She asked.

Before he could answer her Sting and Rogue walked out of the room they were in and brought the kids into a hug smiling as they looked at Lilly, "welcome to the family, Lilly Eucliffe." Sting said.


Lilly was introduced to the rest of the guild and everyone loved her instantly. She clung to Akatsuki when being introduced to everyone and when she wasn't with him she was on Sting's back.

Both Sting and Rogue took her back home, leaving Akatsuki behind much to Lilly's disliking, so he could meet Meg.

"And this will be your room." Rogue said opening a door to an unused room.  The room was big but as well as the smallest room in the house.

Lilly walked into the room and looked around, "will we be going shopping to get a bed and clothes?" She asked turning around to face her dads she was slowly growing comfortably around.

Sting's cheeks flushed realising he didn't think about it as he ran away from the room looking for Lector.

Rogue frowned and looked at Lilly gesturing her to hold his hand, "come on, we'll go shopping now."

She nodded taking his hand as they both walked to the front door and waited for Sting.

"What do I call you?" She asked softly looking up at her dad, who looked down at her confused, "wouldn't it get confusing calling you both dad?" She tried again.

Before Rogue could answer Sting came back and bent down in front of Lilly and grinned, "here." Was all he said and put a necklace over her head.

She looked down seeing the crystal and smiled playing with it with both her hands. Rogue looked at the necklace and smiled before looking straight to Sting's ear seeing his earring was gone.

Sting looked up putting a finger to his lips grinning, "shhh." He stood up and kissed Rogue's cheek before picking Lilly up setting her on hip as she continued to play with the necklace, "ready to go shopping?" He asked.

Lilly nodded smiling, "yes papa!" Sting's heart warmed at his daughters cuteness and his smile said as much when he looked at Rogue.

'Well it seems she has her own names to call us.' Rogue thought to himself as he walked with the two blondes to the mall/shopping district.

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