Chapter 2 ~ A Kiss?

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Kyoya's POV ~

It had been days since me and Tamaki had a real conversation. I was getting tired of his childishness. Can't he just tell me what's wrong?

"Hey senpai? Why aren't you and Tamaki talking? Is there something wrong?" Haruhi asked me snapping me back into reality.

"He won't tell me."

"Well I'm sure he will get better soon senpai you don't have to worry about him okay?" She gave me a reassuring smile and walked back to her hosts. I flinched but quickly recovered. How did she know I was worried about him?

I smirked remembering the time she saw completely through my whole jerk act at the Commoners Expo.

I looked over to where Tamaki was sitting and I could hear his conversation with his hosts perfectly. Pretending to write, whatever it is I write in this stupid black book, I listened and watched occasionally.

"You look beautiful in that dress. If I didn't know you, I'd mistake you for a princess." He put two fingers under her chin, and got real close. I felt a pang in my chest as I watched this but I couldn't exactly pinpoint the reason behind it.

Although none of the clients noticed, anyone of the hosts could hear the sadness in his voice. He glanced at me suddenly and I looked up from my book. He quickly looked back to his client and I smirked. How cute.

I noticed he did this a lot. I need to talk to him or something. Apologize about last weekend... Right?

No. Best friends are supposed to tell each other things. I can't help fix it if I don't know what the problem is. I glanced one more time and found that his lips were linked to hers.

I stopped any emotion I knew was about to come. I had to get out of here before I couldn't control them anymore. Pushing through the pink double doors I nearly stumbled.

I ran down to the second floor, then first floor, and out of the schools front doors. What just happened? Why do I feel this way? I didn't want to be there anymore. I can just tell the club urgent family matters came up and they would believe it. I decided this as I walked home, trying to calm my nerves.

I glanced at my clock. 3:45 AM. I should probably get some rest. I planned bowling for just the club tomorrow as a reward for... I forgot. I'm too tired to be thinking about unimportant things. Anyway, it was free.

~~~ {·^·} Time skip to bowling + Narrators POV

"Strike!" Kaoru screamed and hugged his brother tightly, jumping up and down.

"Tamaki I'm going to get us all drinks, what do you want?" Kyoya asked feeling irritated from having to wake up so early this morning.

"Oh, a water please. Thank you." He didn't look at Kyoya when speaking. At least it was something, Kyoya thought as he went to get drinks for everyone.

Why did I kiss that girl...? To prove a point? To make myself feel better? To get revenge?

"Tamakiiiii! Haruhi is winning!" Honey whined with tears in his eyes.

Tamaki simply nodded. He wasn't paying attention at all. Normally he would be all over Haruhi, hugging and screaming with excitement but, he was off in his own world.

Kyoya came around the corner 10 minutes later with 6 drinks in his hand. "A little help?" Everyone quickly grabbed their drinks and put their attention back on the game.

Kyoya turned his attention towards Tamaki.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Kyoya said gesturing to the bathroom. "In private?"

Tamaki only nodded and followed behind Kyoya to the bathroom door. Kyoya jiggled the handle but with no luck it was locked. They decided they didn't need the bathroom, and that they could talk right here, where the club can't hear them.

Tamaki waited for Kyoya to start talking but he didn't. He glanced around making sure that the rest of the club couldn't see them and crashed his lips to Tamaki's.

It was a few seconds before Tamaki had pulled away. He had shock written all over his face. He didn't know what to say. In fact, he couldn't say anything even if he tried. He stood there speechless. Tamaki's face had turned as red as a tomato and there wasn't anything he could do about it.

"Does that explain any uncertainy?" Kyoya smiled faintly with obvious nervousness in his voice. He himself couldn't believe he just did that.

Kyoya had spent a lot of time trying to figure out what was bothering Tamaki and the only reasonable thing he could think of this: Tamaki had realized his feelings for Kyoya and felt he didn't like him back. Therefore, went into this weird depressed state that everyone hates. Kyoya was sure of it and thought this would either destroy everything or fix it. You know, one or the other. No big deal.

Kyoya didn't care why Tamaki kissed that girl. Not to be cocky, but he figured she would be out of the picture once Kyoya went through with this.

Tamaki opened his mouth ready to start asking questions but, before either one of them could talk they heard a faint voice come from the bathroom.

"Please! " Someone had moaned desperately.


"Hey, you guys know where Hikaru and Kaoru went? They disappeared a little before you guys did." Haruhi asked as she saw Tamaki and Kyoya come back from their "talk."

They just looked at each other slyly and shrugged. Haruhi looked at them both warily but decided not to dwell on it. They're probably just fine.

"Tamaki it's your turn," Honey had cheered after Mori went and got a spare.

Tamaki had skipped over to grab his ball and bowled away. He seemed quite a bit happier. The hosts excluding the twins wondered what had happened on their little trip to who-knows-where.

A/N - I'm sorry if these chapters are short or/and all over the place. Please tell me where I can fix it and you can even suggest certain ideas just please don't hate. It's my first story. Thanks for reading! <3

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