Chapter 18

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Zuko is disappointed and furious all at the same time. He pouts with his arms crossed, and huffs fire when he breathes.

Aang had been trying to stay quiet about it but as they approach the stream to start heading back to Appa he figures he should at least make one more effort to try to get Zuko to calm down. "you know... it isn't too late to go back." He mumbles.

Zuko growls. "she doesn't want us here. She wants to be with her people."

"your acting selfish." Aang pouts. "she just found out who she is. You could at least give her some time to explore the place and learn about her culture before you drag her back to the fire nation." When Zuko doesn't respond Aang grabs his shoulder and makes him stop walking. "hey! Are you listening to... are you crying?"

Zuko frowns and turns the other way. "n-no..."

Aang lets go of Zuko's shoulder and frowns. "what are you really upset about?"

Zuko shakes his head. "it doesn't matter... she'll choose this place because she thinks she belongs here. Among other shadow benders... with people who are just like her. no matter what I say she'll see it as an attack on her because she doesn't want to go back to the way things were before."

"but you don't have any intention of making her be your slave... do you?" Aang frowns. "why don't you just tell her that?"

"I tried." Zuko mumbles. "but every time I try my mouth won't say what my head wants to say. It's better if we just go... and let her be with her people."

Aang frowns. "alright... if you think that's best."

They start walking again.

"PLEASE WAIT!" Fula calls running after them.

"Fula?" Aang raises an eyebrow.

"i..." Fula frowns looking back at the pit. "I don't think you should leave just yet."

"why?" Zuko grumbles.

Fula frowns. "my father is chief of the tribe for now until he passes it onto me or until (y/n) takes her place as our true leader... but... my father is a stubborn bit when it comes to the old legends. He has always believed that the heir of our royal bloodline can break the avatar seal and free the shadow chain." He crossing his arms and looks at the ground. "our family before becoming the leaders were the captains and heads of the army forces. My father has always believed that... we should finish the war our ancestors started." He glances at Zuko. "and he will use whatever means necessary to make her fulfill the ancient texts prophecy."

"Prophecy?" Aang questions.

"Fire, air, water, earth... these are the order... but such a time as earth fails shadow will rise. With the coming of shadow all other elements will be no more." Fula says. "it speaks of the missing avatar link. The avatar of the past sealed away a rebirth link in their own chain... a link which would cause the avatar to be born a shadow bender." Fula explains. "it is sealed deep within the spirit realm and can only be accessed by spirits or mortals with deep spiritual ties. Our royal family ancestors had such a connection and as prove the story of our greatness was engraved hidden onto the bodies of the next heir of the royal family. You friend has these hidden marking which mean she can pass freely into the spirit world through the spirit gate in the temple."

"yeah but she'd never open something as dangerous as that." Aang frowns.

"she isn't the one pulling the strings." Fula frowns. "I told you my father will stop at nothing to break the seal."

"but she can still refuse to open it..." Aang frowns.

"the seal is a blood seal." Fula replies. "only the blood from the royal lineage can break the seal... she's the only one with that blood. If she refuses to open the door herself... then she might get hurt."

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