(Damian and the new character i haven't introduced yet.)
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so Zee and Zuko return to he fire nation with Aang on appa, then Aang sets off on his own to meet back up with his other friends and tell them about the lost tribe. Damian returns to the shadow tribe a new man.
Damian walks across the log leading into the village. he is spotted by the villagers who all gather around him to surround the stranger and capture him. the few shadow benders of the lot hold his shadow, Damian stays completely calm.
"cheif Tala." one of the benders says loudly. "we have an intruder."
Chef Tala makes his way through the crowd. "no one has ventured into our village of their own accord like this. You are captive yet you seem so calm?" he questions.
"are you the one in charge here?" Damian asks.
"yes i am. who are you?" Tala questions.
Damian smirks and moving just one finger breaks the hold of the four villagers holding him down. "i am the missing link in the avatar chain. the rightful leader of these people." he points directly at Tala. "i will challenge you for the throne if necessary but i would like to offer you the chance to step down first."
The chef pauses for a moment in disbelief. "you maybe powerful but i don't believe your who you claim to be." he laughs looking at Nak and Tano. "this man is not the one whom you found and who brought you back to this place?"
Nak and Tano nod. "no sir the link had pale skin and silver hair and red eyes."
"i was a shell of myself when we met." Damian grumbles glaring at Tala. "this is my true face. i will ask only once more, step down or i will take the leadership by force."
"you and what army?" Tala chuckles. "in case you didn't notice you are vastly outnumbered."
Damian glances around and then looks back at the chef. "ll lets even out the score then." he smirks just a bit. "alright shadows come to me." he rises his hand slightly and everyone standing nearby drops to their knees as their shadows are ripped out from under them. the shadows all disconnect and stand up as perfect shaded copies of the villagers.
Tala stares at the shadows eyes wide. "t-that can't be possible. h-how can you have such mastery over a technique that has been lost through time? unless..." he takes a step back stunned and then drops to one knee. "unless you truly are the missing link. that means you have come back to us to finish what was begun those long years ago."
"oh i will be finishing something but it won't be a ten thousand year long war." Damian replies. "what i'm ending is the exclusion of our people from civilization. the shadow benders will no longer waste away in the dark with me in command a new settlement will be forged and we will once more thrive as we walk in the sunlight. the way it was meant to be."
"sunlight?" Tala questions. "y-your saying you want to change our way of life? now after all this time?" he looks at the ground and squints. "no t-this can't be right... it was told when you returned we..." he stands back up and glares at Damian. "no i wont accept this. You've gone soft! i wont let you ruin the name of our people."
"your ancestors stories painted me as a monster. i will not let my name be dragged through the mud any longer. its time for the shadow benders to join the rest of the world and be as one. even if it happens without you there!" he lifts his arm completely and points at Tala. "you were warned. your family was once the head of our armies and for that you have the royals undying gratitude, but your rule as come to an end."
the shadows from the villagers swarm the chef and drag him into the shadows deep within the ground. it takes only a few seconds and then all is quiet. after a moment of pause Damian turns to Fula. "as the son of Tala you are now the last blood link to the captains. a very respectable potion among our tribe. i hope this responsibility does not overwhelm you."
Fula nods. "oh no sir! i will do my best!" he bows on one knee. "i am honored by the oppertunityyou have given me."
Damian nods and turns to Nak and Tano. "You two are now in charge of hunting and gathering supplies." he glances around the villagers and smiles lightly. "take it in everyone. the day of freedom is finally within our grasps. we set out for a new life starting immediately."
So the villagers all struck out from their native home leaving their old lives behind and heading towards a brighter future. Some may say this end is the end of our story, but for others it is only just the beginning!