I guess I'm just annoying.
I wouldn't even want to be around me.As you can see, I don't really like myself.
For starters, I'm a horrible friend. I can't say or do anything. I don't know how to make things right. For me, I'm able to talk to myself and sort things out in my head, but when other people cry about their problems, I just listen. And in some ways that can be good. Everyone needs someone to listen. But I only listen. And it's one of my many flaws. So many things run through my head on how to fix things that I don't fix things at all. If you come to me, I can't fix your problems, only listen.
There's other things I hate bout myself. I complain all the time. My mouth doesn't stop. I make everything about me. When something is going alright in my life, I twist it to make it seem like it's attacking me.
And there's another thing. I'm not oriented correctly. I do just about everything for other people. Of course, I've been able to do more things for me lately, but not a thought comes into my mind without worrying about what others think. I will hardly ever do things alone.
There was an account made about how much someone hated me once. It makes me wonder how many other people secretly hate me. Acquaintances? Friends? Family?
They say be a person you'd want to be friends with, but honestly I would hate the heck of me.
I don't understand how I'm not such a loner.
I mean I kind of act like I am because that's how my brain brains situations but all these people that befriend me; honestly I feel sorry that they have to deal with me.My memory is gone.
I can't understand words.
I'm getting slower and slower.
And fastly becoming a person I don't want to be.I think I'm mentally okay enough to live in the world but I don't think I want to.
I'm tired and worn out.
I don't want to have to prove myself to others and me anymore.I'm tires of my skin.
I just want to be gone.I want to be a star.