In The Beginning

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Hey guys this is my first story so please comment and vote on the book.

I know it might be boring in the beginning but please stick with it. It does get better.



My name is Violet.

I take over my mother’s raven black hair with the most beautiful shine. My eyes are a mixture of blue with green in them from my father’s side of the family.

My mother tells me that I have a younger sister that looks exactly like my mother. She tells me how powerful people came and took her away and we never heard from her ever since that day. I was only 7 that day had no idea of what revolved around me in the world.

My father tells me how my mother would go for a walk in the vibrant, across the road from us, to take long evening walks to a clearing with a waterfall that had water that shined like crystals and with the smell of freshly fallen rain and dew that fills the afternoon air. She would spend hours, sitting there, crying......praying.....pleading that she will come home.

My life has been a journey flled with feeling of hatred and abandoment, but also the feeling of love and safety for me. It was never easy from the start and it never got any better until the best day of my life hasppend to me. I found him. He change my life for ever and I was thankful for that because without him I would not know if I would be alive to see my next sunrise. He showed me that someone could love a person unconditionally. He showed me that with him is all the safety I will ever need.

Who knew that just meeting one person who was specially made for you, before we are even born, can change you so much that you no longer linger and mourne in the past but hope and pray for the future.

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