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I watched her through my window. She looked so peaceful. She didn't pay attention to me earlier, and I am not going to lie that hurt.  I watched as she floated above the water with a smile on her face. She pulled her self to the side of the pool, hopping out. She was walking to change the song when she slipped and fell. I watched her fall into the water after she hit her head.

"AVERY!" I yelled as I dashed out of my room. I was stripping down as I ran down the stairs. I didn't waste time in running to her. I jumped into the water. I could see the blurry outline of her body, I tried to get closer but it felt like time was so slow. I grabbed her arm and pulled her above water. "You're gonna be okay." I kept repeating as I pulled her out of the water. I tilted her head back gently. I started chest compressions just like in gym class. I pinched her nose and pressed my lips against hers, I blew air into her mouth. I repeated it until she coughed up water. "Holy sh-." I caught myself before I cussed. "You're okay." I wrapped my arms around her.

"Kian?" She said as she pushed herself out of my arms. "Kian." She realized that it was me and fell back into my chest.

"Gosh, I'm so glad you're okay." I pressed my lips to her forehead as I held her tightly in my arms.

"I'm okay. Let me go." She said as she pushed me away from her. "Please let me go." She pulled herself into the house as my heart broke inside of my chest.

"Avery!" I yelled as I chased after her. "What's going on?" I yelled as I busted into the house.

"What's going on? I have no clue. You were the one ignoring me all day today. You've pushed me away. You were walking away from me. " she wanted to cry I could see it in her eyes.

"I am sorry." I said as I tried to hold her hand, but she jerked it away from me. "Avery!" I yelled as she jerked back. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell." I kept trying to move closer to her but she would back away.

"Please, just leave me alone." She begged as she walked into her room gently closing the door behind her. My eyes fell to the floor as I carried myself back into my room. My body felt heavy yet weak. I slung myself onto my bed as I groaned into the pillow.


I hadn't moved from the original position, I had no energy in my body. I made a mistake and I am so scared that is going to cost me my best friend. I couldn't bare to know that I hurt her, but I knew that I couldn't change it. I heard a knock at my door and a part of me prayed to God that it was Avery. "Kian?" Bobby's voice filled the room. "Are you okay?" He laid his body against the door. "Open the door." He lowered his voice. I pulled myself up out of the bed as I cracked the door. I instantly threw my self back onto my bed. "So what's going on?" he plopped down on the bed beside me.

"Meredith told me I needed to stop talking to Avery." Bobby propped himself up on his elbows. "I have avoided her all day but I have been so miserable. I haven't smiled as much or laughed as much. I mean I had you guys pick me up, but it isn't the same." I threw my head back into the pillow.

"Who means more to you Meredith or Avery?" he asked.

"You know the answer to that, so does everyone in this house." I didn't have to think about it. "Avery. " I smiled as her name slipped from my lips. "I like her bobby and you know that. We have had this conversation before, but she doesn't like me. I am just her best friend. That is why I am with Meredith, she does like me and she can possibly become my best friend."

"You do not like Avery, you love her." I furrowed my eye brows. "Your eyes light up when she walks into the room. You always make a way to be beside her like in the car, on the couch, and when we go out to eat. Your entire life revolves around her. When we make a video, she has to be around to watch you. When we go to the store, you always invite her and worry when she doesn't come. When she's home by herself, you always rush home or check up on her all the time. " I never noticed that. "Kian you may not be saying that you love her in words, but you show it with your actions. " I smiled.

"What am I supposed to do? She doesn't like me Bobby. She will never like me in the way I like her. " I sighed deeply. "I cant lose my best friend. " I frowned.

"Go talk to her. You know the code to her room, go lay with her. " I shook my head. "Kian, she hasn't came out of her room at all. She wont answer us when we yell for her. She isn't herself Kian." I frowned, knowing I was  the reason she was this way. "You always make her happy. Go try." I nodded as we both pulled ourselves off my bed. "Good luck!" Bobby said as he patted my back. I entered into her dark room.

"Avery?" I said as I turned on the dim lights. She hated the bright lights so she kept them on dim. "Are you awake?" I peeked around the corner to see her bundled up in her blankets.

"Kian. Please leave me alone." Her voice was weak and raspy from the lack of talking.

"No. I am not going to leave you alone to be miserable. You will get over it. I love you, okay? I love you more than anything." I crawled into the bed beside her.

"What has been wrong with you today? You don't treat someone you love like that." She rolled over to face me.

"Meredith told me I needed to stop talking to you. She said she didn't like you or our friendship." She looked so heartbroken. "I cant do it! I have been so miserable all day long. The boys have made me laugh but it is not the same as you. Meredith can shove it, you are my best friend." She softly smiled. "I really do love you Avery Lynn." I ran the pad of my thumb over her cheek.

"I love you Kian Lawley." She smiled softly. "Will you lay with me? I haven't had much social interaction today. " I nodded. She pulled herself closer to my chest as I ran my fingers through her hair. I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

I love her.

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